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Andrew is a minor character in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. He was the Innkeeper at the Inn in the Glade, which he ran with the help of his alemaid.


Speech.png Charisma.png Strength.png
6-7 3-5 8


Andrew was known as a fantastic and dedicated cook - but his recipes often required wild game, and poaching was illegal. So he would often ask Henry to go hunting for him during Delicacies quests. Andrew is also involved in the quest A Woman Scorned. Although speaking with him is not a requirement to finish the quest, he will give some information that will shock Henry.

Henry would later learn that Andrew had purchased a stolen ring from Matthew. As it turns out, Andrew also knew Fritz's mother, and Fritz mentions Andrew's greed should Henry try to get the innkeeper to agree to sell their stolen goods as part of Masquerade.

However, Andrew is not convinced that the trio are up to the task of robbing from the villains, and Henry either convinces, threatens, or bribes him into fleecing the goods through his inn. Andrew comes up with the idea to have the three dress as Cuman captions (as they wear full face helmets) as a disguise.

Andrew is not impressed with Henry's disguise.

But once Henry brings back the disguise, Andrew is less than impressed, thinking Henry does not look much like a Cuman. He advises Henry to speak to one of his regulars, Milomir, a tavern guard who has had dealings with the foreigners, and Henry is able to put together a more terrifying costume.

He later tells Henry about how the innkeeper of Skalitz's son, Adam, went back to Skalitz to recover his family's savings, but the money was robbed. With Henry's help during Besmirched, the two determine the thief was a charcoal burner named Tonchek, from Rovna. However, it is soon reveled that Andrew in fact purchased a cross from Tonchek and lied about it.

After that, Matthew tries to enlist Andrew's help in stealing the silver meant for the quarryman's wages in Gallows Brothers, but Andrew refuses, stating the job is too risky, and advises Henry to tell Sir Robard of Talmberg to expect thieves - the increased guards will hopefully deter them. Henry has the option to ensure that Andrew is sent to hang, maybe even alongside Matthew and Fritz.

If Andrew is still alive by the time of From the Ashes, Henry can ask him to come to Pribyslavitz to be the Innkeeper, but he declines.





  • After speaking to Andrew in the cellar during the quest Masquerade, the cellar will no longer have a trespassing zone in it and Henry will be able to come and go freely. This also means that Andrew's vendor chest (with his trading inventory and money) can be reached without any risk of being caught since nobody ever goes down to the cellar. Henry will also be able to reach Andrew's secret chest (where he keeps his most valuable treasures) in the backroom of the cellar. While the locks on the doors and chests are high level, the locks never reset - meaning once the locks have been opened, Henry can steal from Andrew's vendor chest repeatedly and keep taking all of Andrew's money without any risk of being caught.
  • Andrew never sleeps and merely sits at a table in the inn all night long. As such, if Henry attempts to lockpick anything at the inn during the night then there is a chance that Andrew will hear him and come to investigate.
  • Andrew is no nobleman, yet he wears noble attire, primarily due to his shady businesses which stayed on the down low, with the nobles and lords unaware of his income.
