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Tonchek calls Henry a thief.

Besmirched is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, given to Henry by Andrew the Innkeeper of the Inn in the Glade after the side quest Masquerade.


Someone was wandering in burned Skalitz and he stole everything that´s left. It would not make any harm, if someone would check that out. Especially, because robbing a robber is no great sin.


  • Help Andrew find out more about the looting of the tavern in Skalitz.
  • Find the robbed man in Rattay.
    • (Optional) Inform the innkeeper Andrew.
    • (Optional) Find Adam's valuables and give them back to him instead of to Andrew.
    • Find the the thieving charcoal-burner.
      • Rob the charcoal-burners' stash.
        • (Optional) Return to Andrew with the loot.
        • (Optional) Return to Adam with the loot.
        • (Optional) Give Adam the cross back.
  • Return to Adam with the loot.


After completing the side quest Masquerade, talk to Andrew the Innkeeper of the Inn In the Glade and he will tell you about a opportunity to earn some Prague Groschen.

The first objective is to find Adam from Skalitz in Rattay. Ask one of the refugees from Skalitz, Ringlet will tell you that Adam is either at the tavern or with the horses.

Follow the objective finder and talk to Adam to find out about the robber and his loot.

If you choose to, you can inform the innkeeper Andrew what you learned from Adam, he will give you a name for the charcoal-burner that you're looking for, Tonchek.

Go to the camp north of Rovna and ask the local charcoal-burners about their trips to Skalitz. One of them will readily confess to visiting the burned down town, but denies doing any stealing even when pressed. The other (in a black and yellow cape) will first deny going to Skalitz all together, but when intimidated he will will give you a ring he supposedly found when it fell out of "some shady characters" sack. If you got the thief's name from Andrew you can also ask them where to find Tonchek, and they'll point you in the right direction, otherwise you'll have to find his hut yourself on the outskirts of the camp. On the left side of the hut you can see a completely new kettle, interact with it.

Speak to Tonchek.

  • If you comment on the kettle: you can intimidate him into telling you where his stash is. Behind his hut, it´s a bit into the woods north of the hut, you will see a fallen tree with its´ roots up, go to the roots and "open" and take his loot.
  • If you choose the speech option: "You miserable thief!" it will lead to a fist fight and you can loot the money from Tonchek.
  • If you choose the speech option: "Just making sure." nothing will happen, but the option to buy the cross is no longer available.
  • If you choose the speech option: "I want to buy it." he will tell you that he sold it to Andrew. You can then pickpocket the money from him.

If you want peacefully aquire the money, the loot and the knowledge of the cross location, choose the "I want to buy it." speech option, pickpocket the money and search the woods for the fallen tree with the loot.

If you prefer more aggresive approach after picking "Just make sure." speak to him again. This time you will be able to pick:"I'll tan your thieving hide!" dialogue option, after which Henry will tell him that he will knock his teeth in and there will be a fistfight. Just make sure you won't kill him. Aftern knocking the thief out you will be able to loot the Bulging purse of him. Next you will need to wait a bit till the poor sod wakes up.

Then speak to Tonchek again. A new option will appear: "So is you tongue untied yet?" which will cause battered Tonchek to reveal his stash location, where you can find the Cross, that belongs to Adam.

Funny enough he will call Henry a thief, because unlike Henry he didn't hurt anyone to aquire the loot.

It is then optional who you give the money and loot to, Andrew or Adam.

Go to Andrew and ask about the cross.

  • If you choose the option "Why would he lie?" or "I think you´re a liar" it will be the end of the conversation about the cross.
  • If you choose the option "I want to buy the cross." you can buy the cross, even haggle the price.

When it comes to the option on who to give the loot and money to it´s up to you, either way the quest completes.

  • If you give it to Andrew, you get 575 Prague Groschen. After the quest completes, wait until when Andrew is alone, knock him out and loot everything back from him. Go back to Rattay and give everything back to Adam, he'll still give you 575 Prague Groschen
  • If you give it to Adam, you can decide on no reward (nothing), a little reward (Just a little something) or a bigger reward (I had a few helpers).


  • For PS4 players, this quest is bugged when it comes to buying the cross from Andrew, you pay for the cross but you never receive it
  • You can steal the cross in the cellar of the inn. It is in a very hard locked chest. The best time to do that is during the side quest Masquerade, as Andrew will take you to the cellar and leave you there, giving you ample time to help yourself to his belongings.
  • If you did not interact with the kettle before speaking to Tonchek, you can choose the option "I want to buy it" to get the information before interacting with the kettle and talking to him again to get the location of his stash.
  • In KCD version 1.9.6
    • The dialogue option to buy a horse from Zora disappears after you get the quest Besmirched from Andrew. The option to buy horses reappears after the quest is completed. (This might not work for all players, but is worth a shot if you experience this bug)
    • If you start the quest by speaking with Adam rather than Andrew, the game may erroneously declare Adam dead after you give him all of his things back.
  • If you already know the location of the sack with the cross(a fallen tree near the thieving charcoal-burner's hut), you may skip looking [1] for the burner altogether.
    • You can still threaten him and receive his loot - about 50 groschens worth.
