Adam's family cross

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Adam's family cross
Adam's family cross.png
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Adam's family cross is quest item found in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

It was a family heirloom, a valuable silver necklace with a small red ruby, on a red string. It was intended as a dowry for Bianca, but left in the cellar of the local tavern during the attack on Skalitz. Before Bianca's brother Adam could retrieve it, it was stolen by a charcoal burner named Tonchek.


Adam's family cross.

How to Obtain.

  • During the side quest Besmirched, Henry is tasked with getting the cross back, and can either return it to its rightful owner, or sell it. The cross is being stored in Andrew's secret chest in the backroom of the cellar of the Inn in the Glade. Andrew will at first deny that he bought the cross from Tonchek, but if Henry learns the truth from Tonchek and then asks Andrew about it again, he will be willing to sell the cross to Henry. Alternatively Henry can sneak into Andrew's cellar and steal the cross from the chest in the backroom.