Libri Prohibiti

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Libri Prohibiti is a side quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Brother Nevlas will ask for your help during A Needle in a Haystack, as he is attempting to cure Abbot Peter but lacks the recipe.


In the Monastery Library there is a cabinet containing forbidden books, locked away from prying eyes. And among them is the very book that Brother Nevlas thinks could cure the ailing Abbot Peter. Why should such a book be banned? Well, the medicinal arts are not always compatible with the Divine Plane, besides which, the author was an infidel!


  • Get the key to the cabinet containing the forbidden books
    • Unlock the cabinet containing the forbidden books
      • (Optional) Steal the forbidden book at night. (0/1)
        • Bring the book to Nevlas


After speaking to Nevlas, Henry has a few options. Firstly, go straight to the Circator Stibor or Circator John and tell them all about the plot. You can also tell the Prior that Nevlas wants the book - just be sure to mention it's for medicine, not witchcraft. You'll fail the quest, and Nevlas will be furious, but it IS an option.

More likely you'll want to complete the quest. One approach is to complete Scattered Pages, at which point Brother Librarian will give you access to the forbidden books. Otherwise, steal the keys from the Librarian, or buy some lockpicks from Brother Cellarius. You'll have to sneak in at night, otherwise the monk who is constantly transcribing right next to the cabinet will catch you.

The Circators will be in the cellar for most of the evening, so you'll have free reign of the Monastery during those hours - except in the Library. Siskin has been sneaking out of bed to read, but if you play your cards right, he'll leave you alone. He's even excited to hear that you're trying to access the forbidden knowledge, as he's able to find the recipe for a secret potion he wants to concoct - Old Wives Ointment Which Witches Use upon the Sabbath and Therin Damn Their Souls to the Devil. Henry remarks that it sounds poisonous.

Take the book to Nevlas, who will be very grateful and ask if there's anything he can do for you in return. He can't help you escape the monastery, but he can help you find out more about the lives of the other novices. Apparently, the information is kept in a book in the Abbot's study, which he warns you should never attempt to break into to read. This will start The Abbot's List, where you can ... break into the Abbot's study to read the book.


  • It's possible you took the forbidden book, the Avicenna - Sufficientia, while you were stealing the Necromoicon during Restless Spirit. In that case, you'll have to sneak out of the Monastery to get it.
  • If you did complete Restless Spirit, but did NOT take the book, the cabinet is still open.