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The Herbarium is one part of the Alchemist's bench in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The Herbarium is a two-part tome that lists all the herbal ingredients and potion recipes required to do Alchemy. In the first part of the book Henry can read or view information about Herbs. In the second part of the book, Henry can review any of the Potion recipes he has learned.

See also; New Herbarium


Artemisia Wormwood

Whoever suffers from fever and headache should put on his head at night a bandage dipped in it. It helps also against chills and dizziness when drunk in an infusion. For increasing strength it is good to lessen its bitterness by the correct addition of other herbs, though with others it has sometimes detrimental effects.

Abundant grows on roadsides and in fields.

Greatly increases strength and dispels fatigue, but lowers speech.

Atropa Belladonna entry in the Herbarium.

Atropa Belladonna

Beware this plant! For its great toxicity it is unsuitable for the apothecary and even a small amount if used badly can bring death! It induces shakes and chills, the body is gripped by convulsions and strange visions. Some old wives know other uses too, but the medical arts have no use for belladona in cures.

It grows in clearings and leafy woods, but it is best not to seek it at all.

Very poisonous!

Benedictus Thistle entry in the Herbarium.

Benedictus Thistle

Thistle is a miraculous medicine against various ailments and plague, especially. In water, it gives relief from pain and poisoning, and in ale restores the appetite. In wine, it dulls a man's wits and should not be thus imbibed.

It grows in roadside ditches, in clearings, and where there is relief from the sun and rather shadow gathers.

Adds stamina, reduces speech.

Calendula Marigold Herbarium.png

Calendula Marigold

Good against cramps, inflammations and ulcers, against many skin blemishes and fungus, good for bathing and ointment as well as medicinal drink. It helps women against monthly pains and restores regularity to them. Placed on a wound it speeds recovery. It is sometimes mixed with other greens in a drink to arouse love desire and the affection of the opposite sex.

Grows where the earth is fertile - on rubble piles and dung and abundantly too in pastures.

Raises health and vitality.

Euphrasia Eyebright Herbarium.png

Euphrasia Eyebright

A miraculous herb for all ailments of the eyes and sight. In a compress it relieves inflammation, in suitable combination it improves agility and dispels night gloom from the eyes. He who desires to have sharp eyes should drink regularly a tonic boiled from Eyebright.

Grows on pastures and heaths and in all places where there is light enough, as well as wet ground.

Increases agility and speech.

Hyoscyamus Henbane Herbarium.png

Hyoscyamus Henbane

For immediate relief from pain and for anaesthesia before medical treatment in which the flesh must be cut, for it kills pain and puts the body in a state of torpor. It is not recommended for picking or using by lay folk for its toxicity, which even the beasts recognize and are wary to approach it.

It grows in sunny and warm places, especially on dung and rubble.

A strong poison, yet it increases vitality.

Hypericum St. John's wort Herbarium.png

Hypericum St. John's wort

St. John's wort, the king of all medicinal plants, purifies the blood and dispels dropsy and kidney stones. Whoever brews it in wine arms himself against all alcohol, whoever brews it in oil prevents decay of meat. It is also good for stamina and sharp eyes, it unties the tongue and dispels foul moods. When used too often it loses its effects on the body.

It is most fond of leafy woods, glades and clearings.

Improves stability as well as stamina, but somewhat takes away strength and vitality.

Matricaria Chamomile Herbarium.png

Matricaria Chamomile

Dispels all manner of sickness, as well as quieting fever and women's monthly pains. In an infusion it is good to soothe the stomach as well as evil thoughts, but combined with the wrong herb induces sleep too deep. For better and quiet sleep it is well to drink a weak infusion before bed.

Most often it is found in fields and fertile land.

Strengthens agility and speech and induces hunger.

Mentha Mint Herbarium.png

Mentha Mint

He who mulls wine with mint and drinks it in the morning cannot that day be intoxicated by any other drink.

It is rarely found in nature, but rather, alongside houses and in gardens cultivated.

Improves speech and dispels fatigue, but increases hunger.

Papaver Poppy Herbarium.png

Papaver Poppy

A herb that is beautiful to look upon, but treacherous for the body, which is often brewed for little ones and for the sick. Brewed correctly it will put anyone to sleep and immerse them in dreamless darkness, to awake with head left empty. Boiled with the tooth of a wild boar it is said to help the hunt.

It is found abundantly in fields and furrows as a bothersome weed.

Brings fatigue and reduces stamina.

Paris Herb Paris Herbarium.png

Paris Herb Paris

In old wives' tales, it is said to be a protection from sickness, and in the apothecary, against headache. It is not recommended for lay folk to pick or use it, for it is poisonous and induces nausea and sleep, though rarely does the poisoning end in death, unless it be with other poisons mixed.

It may be sought in deep woods.

Reduces stamina, induces sleep, lowers health.

Plevelium Weed Herbarium.png

Plevelium Weed

  • Main article: (no article available)

See also; Weed; Weeds.

Even chickens turn up their noses at it.

Grows everywhere, but we only call it a weed when it grows in our garden.

Enhances the pharyngeal reflex.

Salvia Sage Herbarium.png

Salvia Sage

An aromatic herb for fumigation and brewing potions of all kinds, it drives away insects as well as evil spirits. Too much inhalation induces prophetic dreams. Whoever drinks sage shall have less headache after alcohol, whoever drinks too much shall become dull-witted. Whoever drinks it in moderation and brewed in the right combination shall gain strength in battle.

To be found on pastures and on hillsides.

Improves strength and vitality. It reduces speech.

Symphitum Comfrey.png

Symphitum Comfrey

Called also Black Salsify, it is the best remedy fro broken bones, swelling and bruising and aids as well against internal pains from the bones. It is used for health and resilience, but it also drives away horses and big animals.

Grows most of all on banks by water and in ditches around fields.

Greatly helps the health and stamina, but induces fatigue.

Taraxacum Dandelion Herbarium.png

Taraxacum Dandelion

Drinking it drives the urine strongly and thus purges the body. It is used for prevention of various ailments. It strengthens the endurance of the body under stress and in a syrup drives away colds in long winters.

Grows everywhere as a weed, but mostly on grassy slopes and meadows it is to be found.

It strengthens vitality and stamina.

Urtica Nettle Herbarium.png

Urtica Nettle

Take pounded nettle leaves and place them on a wound and the bleeding will stop at once. Also chopped and steamed it provides a tasty meal that dispels hunger. It should not be mixed with certain herbs, for then it may cause cold shivers. Its burn and sting are good against the ache of the joints.

It can be found abundantly by water, on the edge of woods and in the furrows of fields.

Improves health, but lowers speech and vitality.

Valeriana Valerian Herbarium.png

Valeriana Valerian

The name "Valerian" means "to be healthy" and truly it helps against all ills - pains as well as impure influences. It is known as a panacea for various ailments and an additive to drinks that arouses loving desire and summons lovers. Hung in the house it protects against lightening and properly prepared helps in the hunt.

To be found on forest paths, in mires and peat bogs and everywhere that ground is damp.

Renews health and energy, but lessens strength.


Musk of Infinite Allure Herbarium.png

Musk of Infinite Allure

(DLC The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon required)

The recipe for Musk of Infinite Allure, the potion that Sir Hans wants to take to make him even more irresistible than he already is. It's nothing for me though - I don't really need a horde of admirers following me on stealth missions.

Prepare water, one handful each of sage, marigold and comfrey and a cave mushroom.

Grind the sage.

Drop the sage in the cauldron and brew for three turns.

Add the marigold and comfry and brew for one more turn.

Add the cave mushroom, but do not cook.

Artemisia Herbarium.png


A bitter herb liquer that will put strength in your blood, but also bewilder your eyes with strange visions. Your Strength and Warfare skill are increased by 5 for ten minutes.

You will need spirits, two handfuls of wormwood and a handful of sage. Drop in the sage and boil for one turn.

Grind the wormwood.

Drop the wormwood in the cauldron and cook for two turns.


Antidote Herbarium.png


Cures poisoning inflicted by those of evil intent.

Prepare water, two handfuls of thistle, one of nettle and one of charcoal.

Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil or two tums.

Then add the nettles and boil for one turn.

Leave to cool.

Finally add the charcoal, but do not boil!

Bowman's Brew Herbarium.png

Bowman's Brew

To steady your hand and sharpen your eye for archery, drink Bowman's Brew and your arrows will find their targets themselves.

You will need spirits, two handfuls of Eyebright and one of St. John's wort.

Drop the Eyebright in the cauldron and boil for three turns.

Let the cauldron with the Eyebright cool.

Grind the St. John's wort.

Drop the St. John's wort in the cauldron, but do not boil.

Bane potion Herbarium.png

Bane potion

Whoever shall brew this potion, let him be warned that he is toying with his very soul and with eternal damnation, for anyone who is truck by or imbides a single drop shall be beyond all help. It is good for hunting bears or poisoning the wells of foes, but beware that it should not come into the wrong hands, for it would give cause for terrible murder. Remember the Lord and do no evil!

You will need wine, a handful of wormwood, two handfuls of belladonna and a fly agaric.

Boil the wormwood for two turns.

Leave the wormwood to cool.

Grind the belladonna.

Drop the belladonna in the cauldron, but do not boil!

Finally, add the fly agaric.


Bard potion Herbarium.png

Bard potion

Whoever would a good bard be, should drink this potion copiously! It unlocks the jaws and breaks down inhibitions. That the stomach cramps after it and weakness overtakes the body is a price worth paying.

You will need oil, a handful of belladonna, one of St. John's wort, one of nettles and charcoal.

Grind the St. John's wort.

Grind the nettles.

Throw all the herbs in a pot.

Boil for two turns!

Add charcoal so the potion is not poisonous.

Bivojs Rage Herbarium.png

Bivoj's Rage

A potion that arouses in men a bloody frenzy, increases strength and effectiveness in battle. Beware, though, should you use it, for a madman in the turmoil of battle may easily come to harm.

You will need wine, two handfuls of sage, one of wormwood and a cave mushroom.

Grind the wormwood.

Throw the sage in the cauldron and boil for two turns.

Leave to cool. Add the wormwood, but do not boil.

For better effect add the cave mushroom.


Digestive potion Herbarium.png

Digestive potion

If you have overeaten or overindulged in alcohol, or stuffed yourself like a pig at table and downed rivers of wine, try taking this potion to soothe the stomach and remember next time that he who eats modestly lives long.

You will need spirits, a handful of mint and two of chamomile.

Grind the chamomile.

Drop everything in the cauldron and boil for one turn.

Hair o' the Dog potion Herbarium.png

Hair o' the Dog potion

Whoever has overindulged in demon alcohol, let him take this cure to dispel the scourge and sooth his sick head and stomach.

Prepare water, a handful of mint, one of St. John's wort and one of sage.

Boil the St. John's wort and sage for three turns.

Leave to cool.

Grind the mint.

Put the mint in the cauldron without boiling it.

Cockerel Herbarium.png


He whose eyelids are falling and his body ceases to serve him, and yet had before him a long journey, let him drink this potion and restore his energy.

You will need spirits, a handful of valerian, and two of mint.

Grind the mint.

Boil the mint for one turn.

Add the valerian and boil for two more turns.


Fake blood Herbarium.png

Fake blood

(DLC The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon required)

The charlatan's recipe for turning water into blood. Or something that looks like blood.

You will need wine, a handful of poppy, one of thistle and one of St. John's wort.

Grind the poppy.

Grind the thistle.

Grind the St. John's wort.

Brew everything together for one turn.

Saviour Schnapps Herbarium.png

Saviour Schnapps

Whoever drinks this potion shall save his game and his soul, and though he should succumb to death, even shall he return to life.

Prepare wine, two handfuls of belladonna and one of nettle.

Boil the nettles for two turns.

Grind the belladonna.

Drop the belladonna and boil for one more turn.

Marigold decoction Herbarium.png

Marigold decoction

Whoever has been wounded and battered or has bruises and wounds on his body, let him try drinking this potion for recovery. It helps to heal wounds and gives the body the strength to recover. Should it not be enough, though, better to call a physician. It also aids against hangover.

You will need water, a handful of nettles and two of marigold.

Drop the nettle in the water and cook for one turn.

Leave to cool.

Drop in the marigold, but don't boil it any more.

Lazarus potion Herbarium.png

Lazarus potion

A drink that lacks little, for it would raise even the dead from the grave! It gives new strength to the wounded, though they be at death's door. It heals wounds and restores strength even to broken bones. Remember, though, that the potion is not enough and you should still seek the treatment of a physician.

You will need water, two handfuls of comfrey, one of valerian.

Boil the valerian for one turn.

Grind the comfrey.

Add the comfrey to the valerian and boil for one turn.


Moonshine Herbarium.png


A potion that is not yet very widespread, for it is necessary first to get accustomed to drinking it due to its excessive strength. It drives sickness from the body and warms it on a cold night, it it intoxicates more than wine and the mornings after it are sore.

You will need spirits, a handful of St. John's wort, one of sage and one of mint.

Drop the St. John's wort in the cauldron and boil for one turn.

Grind the sage.

Grind the mint.

Drop the sage and mint in and boil for one more turn.


Aesop potion Herbarium.png

Aesop potion

A recipe from the secret learning of the Arabs, which was used for its success in handling animals, for the smell of the substance has a calming effect on horses and all animals and is so pleasing to dogs that they even forget to bark.

Prepare spirits, a handful of wormwood, one of belladonna, and one of comfrey and the tusk of a wild boar.

Drop the wormwood and tusk in the cauldron.

Boil the wormwood and tusk for two turns.

Leave the cauldron to cool.

Grind the comfrey.

Drop the belladonna and comfrey in the cauldron, but do not boil.


Embrocation Herbarium.png


A miraculous elixir to rub on the joints, relieving pain and restoring the suppleness of youth to an infirm body of any age!

You will need oil, a handful of eyebright, one of poppy, one of valerian and the tusk of a wild boar.

Drop the poppy and valerian into the cauldron and boil for two turns.

Grind the eyebright.

Drop the eyebright into the cauldron, but do not boil!

Finally, drop in the boar's tusk.

Chamomile brew Herbarium.png

Chamomile brew

(DLC A Woman's Lot required)

A recipe I got from Brother Nicodemus. It won't miraculously cure anything, but it will fortify health and heal slowly over a long period.

You will need water, two handfuls of chamomile and one of sage.

Put the chamomile in the cauldron and boil for two turns.

Then add the sage and stop cooking.

Amor Herbarium.png


Ars amatoria or the art of love is learning about matters of love and the affections of the opposite sex. Where talent and attraction are lacking, though, learning cannot help. This potion is always effective against such shortcomings.

Prepare wine, one handful of marigold, one of chamomile and one of wormwood and in addition ground antlers.

First drop in the ground antlers.

Begin to boil for one turn.

Drop in the marigold and chamomile and boil for one more turn.

Grind the wormwood and add it, but do not boil.

Merhojed remedy Herbarium.png

Merhojed remedy

The recipe for the healing potion that should cure the afflicted Merhojed villagers.

Prepare clean water, one handful of valerian, two of thistle and some charcoal.

Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil for two turns.

Add the valerian and boil for one more turn.

Leave to cool.

Finally add the charcoal, but do not boil!

Nighthawk Herbarium.png


He who desires to move in the night like a cat, or a bird that flies in the dark, let him brew this potion and drink it in the evening and he will see how the night becomes clearer and more like dusk. Be wary of the light, however, for your eyes will be accustomed to the dark and the light will hurt them.

You will need water, two handfuls of eyebright, one of belladonna and a cave mushroom.

Grind the eyebright.

Drop the eyebright and belladonna in the cauldron.

Boil the eyebright and belladonna for three turns.

Add the cave mushroom.


Dollmaker potion Herbarium.png

Dollmaker potion

If this decoction comes into contact with anyone's skin, that place will instantly be numbed and incapable of movement. He will stand on the spot like a pillar of salt with no power over his muscles. It is especially suitable for cut wounds, for the patient will no longer feel pain. Beware of giving it to the healthy.

You will need spirits, two handfuls of herb paris and one of valerian.

Drop in the herb paris and boil for three turns.

Grind the valerian.

Leave to cool.

Drop the valerian in the cauldron, but do not boil any longer.


Poison Herbarium.png


Whoever wants to poison rats and stray dogs or set bait for prey, let him try this potion. Do not drink it though, and mark the bottle well, lest anyone else should drink from it!

You will need oil, two herb paris plants and a handful of thistle.

Drop the thistle in the cauldron and boil for one turn.

Leave to cool.

Add the paris, but do not boil!

Preserver Herbarium.png


If you are preparing for a long journey and are taking provisions with you, or want to keep food fresh at home for a long time, add to it this potion to make it last longer.

Prepare oil, a handful of nettles, one of mint and one of St. John's wort.

Grind the mint.

Grind the nettles.

Drop the mint and nettles in the cauldron.

Boil for one turn.

Add the St. John's wort, but do not boil it any more.


Lethean Water Herbarium.png

Lethean Water

If you want to put to rights the imprudent choices of your life, all it takes is one mouthful, and you can chose your perks anew. Beware though, the procedure is irreversible and painful.

You will need spirits, two handfuls of wormwood, one of belladonna and a fly agaric.

Grind the wormwood.

Put the wormwood and belladonna in the cauldron.

Brew the wormwood and belladonna for three turns.

Add the fly agaric.


Lullaby Herbarium.png


Whoever cannot lull themselves or needs to make wounded livestock sleep, let them brew this and they shall have peace. Do not drink it often, though, or it may dull your wits. For a crying child use only half the dose.

Prepare oil, a handful of poppy, one of thistle and one of herb paris.

Drop the poppy in the cauldron and boil for one turn.

Add the thistle and boil for one more turn.

Leave to cool and then add the herb paris.

Padfoot Herbarium.png


Whoever is hard of hearing, has uneven and noisy footsteps and treads heavily, let him brew this to sharpen the ears and loosen the limbs, that he may step quietly as a mouse and lighten his burden.

You will need water, a handful of valerian, one of eyebright and one of chamomile, as well as a cobweb.

Drop the cobweb and eyebright in the cauldron.

Boil the mixture for three turns.

Grind the valerian.

Add the valerian to the cauldron and boil for one turn.

Leave the cauldron to cool.

Grind the chamomile.

Add the chamomile to the cauldron, but do not boil.

Buck's Blood potion Herbarium.png

Buck's Blood potion

Whoever is short of breath or weight down by heavy armour, let him drink this and he will be less tired.

You will need oil, a handful of St. John's wort, one of comfrey and one of dandelions.

Grind the St. John's wort.

Drop the St. John's wort and comfrey into the cauldron and boil for one turn.

Leave to cool.

Add the dandelions, but do not boil.

Aqua Vitalis Herbarium.png

Aqua Vitalis

Whoever is disheartened and feels week, let him drink this for the strengthening of his whole body, for there is no greater herb for stimulation!

You will need water, a handful of marigold and two of dandelions.

Grind the marigold.

Boil the dandelions for one turn.

Add the marigold and boil for one more turn.


Witch potion Herbarium.png

Witch potion

An old wives' ointment that the witches use in their Sabbaths and thus condemn their souls to Lucifer. Beware of using it, lest you lose control over your body and soul.

Prepare oil, a handful of marigold, one of belladonna and one of herb paris.

Boil the herb paris for one turn.

Grind the marigold.

Add the marigold to the cauldron and boil for one more turn.

Grind the belladonna.

Add the belladonna to the cauldron, but do not boil any more.