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Houndmaster is a non-combat skill in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is added by the DLC A Woman's Lot, although it is present and can even be leveled by trainers even without the DLC. This skill determines the abilities of the companion Mutt.


A good houndmaster understands dogs, especially his own. The better you get at commands, the more you'll be able to teach your four-legged friend and the better stats he will have. His default obedience will also increase with your level of this skill.

New perk points unlock at levels: 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20.

Houndmaster Perks

Houndmaster Perks
Icon Name Hunting Lvl Effect
Hunt Lvl 3 With your dog, you can hunt game such as hares and deer. You can even try tackling boar.
Nice Doggy Lvl 3 You've got a cute doggie, so people quickly take a liking to you. You get a +1 Charisma bonus.
Sic! Lvl 5 Your dog will attack people on command.
Sniffer Lvl 5 Your dog can sniff out a foe at a much greater distance, so you can more easily avoid ambushes on your travels.
Faithful Companion Lvl 8 Your dog is your faithful companion. You get a +10 Obedience bonus immediately every time your dog runs off and returns to you again.
Alarm Lvl 10 Your dog will growl to warn you of the nearby proximity of enemies.
Tooth and Claw Lvl 10 Your dog has a greater chance of causing a foe to bleed.
Seek! Lvl 13 Your dog is able to sniff out interesting places. With your best friend's help, nothing will escape you.
Chase Lvl 13 You've trained your dog to pursue a fleeing foe and take him down. You have to have the Sic! perk first.


Can be trained with Berthold and Hermann in Rattay, as well as Nicholas in Talmberg.