Kingdom Come Deliverance Wiki:Manual of Style/Quest

From Kingdom Come: Deliverance Wiki
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Red Hand Coat of Arms.png This article or following section is likely to contain spoilers! Please proceed with caution.
For another version of this quest, see Manual of Style/Quest (Theresa).

This is the article's intro. General information about the quest goes here, with the first mention of the quest in bold face.

== Background ==
== Quick walkthrough ==
== Detailed walkthrough ==
== Strategies ==
== Notes ==
== Trivia ==


Add the synopsis of the quest as it is in the game.

Quick walkthrough

  • Add the objectives of the quest as it is in the game
    • Sub-objectives should be formatted like this
      • The sub-objectives of the sub-objective should be formatted like this
  • Make sure to follow the flow of the quest as it was

Detailed walkthrough

Add a walkthrough of the quest here. Omit recommended strategies and tricks in this section and put it in the Strategies section of the page.


  • This is where the strategies and tricks that should be used to complete the quest easier and/or faster should be located.


  • This section should contain interesting things about the quest which do not fit into the other categories. Try to keep this section to a minimum.


  • Any potential trivia like real-world references should be located in this section.