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50 groschen (dependent)

Run! is the second main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Henry escapes the Cumans attacking Silver Skalitz and races to Talmberg to warn of the attack.


My home town was attacked by foreign soldiers and many people slaughtered. I couldn't get inside the castle before they closed the gates, so they sent me to Talmberg to warn the people there in case they faced a similar fate.

Quick walkthrough

  • Help Theresa get away from her attackers.
  • Get a horse
  • Go with Sir Robard to the kitchen
    • Eat
      • Go to the courtyard lodge and sleep there until morning
  • Optional (take the torch from the table)
    • Go to the battlements via the gateway stairs
      • Talk to Sir Robard
        • Keep watch on the battlements
          • Wait until morning
  • Go the the battlements of the outer bailey
    • Talk to Sir Robard
  • Get out of the castle
    • (Optional) Get a horse
      • Flee the castle and get to Skalitz
        • Bury your loved ones in Skalitz

Detailed walkthrough

Equipped with what little he could find at home and armed with Sir Radzig's sword, Henry stood frozen as he witnessed his mother and father being slaughtered by Cuman soldiers. Shaken out of his stupor as Markvart turned his attention towards him, Henry fled towards the closing castle gates, but the gates had already closed. The soldiers on the battlemen who saw him instructed Henry to flee from Skalitz and head to Talmberg to warn them of the approaching army.

Escaping Skalitz

Follow the path to the town's stable on the outskirts of the town's fortifications. During the player's escape there will be a Cuman soldier pursuing you. Even with Sir Radzig’s sword, the player character will be easily outmatched upon confrontation.

Upon reaching the main road, you will hear Theresa being accosted in front of a house. There are a variety of choices that the player character can take, which will affect dialogue with her later on:

  • The player character help Theresa escape by whistling, which startles the Cumans and allows her to escape.
  • Alternatively, the player character can choose to save themselves by not assisting Theresa and running away.

Fleeing to Talmberg

Once on horseback, ride to distance yourself from your pursuers and follow your compass to Talmberg. On the way, you will encounter soldiers on horseback who will shoot Henry in the leg. The player character lacks the skills and time to bandage it, so the only option is to keep riding. Any delay will result in Henry succumbing to his wounds and dying.

Gallop to outpace the pursuing Cumans. If they catch Henry, they will kill him. Upon crossing a small stream into the town of Rovna, take the left path that leads out of town and over another stream towards Talmberg. Henryy will pass through Rovna, witnessing villagers being mercilessly slaughtered as they flee to the church for sanctuary. The Cumans will persist, so converse your stamina weave along the road to evade arrows until you reach Talmberg, where the garrison will deter them.

Once behind the safety of the walls, Henry's wound is treated by Sir Robard. Henry is then taken to the Lord of Talmberg, Lord Divish, to explain the events in Skalitz. Unfortunately, Lord Divish is unable to aid those barricaded in Castle Skalicky, noting that the people of Talmberg is his priority and their limited defense should Sigismund attack Talmberg next. Henry is taken to the kitchen by Sir Robard, where he meets Divish's wife, Lady Stephanie. She commends him for his bravery and instructs Sir Robard to let Henry sleep in a proper bedroom off the courtyard, rather than the guards' straw cots.

Consume the pottage provided by the cook, and eat more from the table until your nourishment is around 100. Afterward, address your energy. Cross the courtyard to find Henry's bed. As he contemplates the day's horrors, Lady Stephanie knocks on the door, bringing a cup of wine. She sits with Henry, offering to talk about the events. The player character can decline, and she will leave, but otherwise, Henry can recount his story, increasing your Speech level, which gains XP with every conversation.

Stephanie will then share her own sad story with Henry, and the two find comfort in knowing they are not alone in their suffering. She then leaves him to rest. Henry is haunted by nightmares, seeing his town burn and his parents murdered again. He also dreams of his father accusing him of cowardice.

Sir Radzig's convoy

However, Henry's nightmare is cut short as Sir Robard abruptly wakes him, informing Henry that a large group is approaching the town, and Henry should join the garrison on the battlements. Grab a torch and equip it, then head outside and go around the longhouse to find the path to the main gate.

To the left of the gate are stairs leading up to the battlements. Head to the south side to find a small group gathered and speak to Sir Robard. Fortunately, the incoming group is not invaders but the refugees from Skalitz, led by Sir Radzig. A sudden storm forced the Cumans into their tents, allowing Sir Radzig to sneak his people out of the castle. Divish offers them sanctuary, but Radzig points out that it would guarantee Sigismund's attack. Radzig is pleased that Henry survived and praises his bravery but commands him to stay in Talmberg and not return to Skalitz. He and the refugees will flee to Rattay for sanctuary, hoping Sigismund bypasses Talmberg.

Negotiating with the Cumans

After they leave, Sir Robard will ask you to help keep watch during the downpour. Use your torch and stay vigilant. A nearby guard will suggest you stay put and wait. Upon the 5th hour, the player character will hear an alarm. Follow the moving guards to the wooden ramparts, where the garrison has gathered, looking over the battlements at Sigismund's massive army.

Markvart von Aulitz approaches to negotiate with Divish, claiming Sigismund is only punishing those causing trouble in the realm, such as Sir Radzig, who he says was using the King's silver to fund an insurrection. Following a tense but polite standoff between Divish and Markvart, the army departs.

Leaving Talmberg

After the confrontation, you can now collect your horse, Olena from the stables. Henry decides to return to Skalitz in order to bury his parents. However, as Sir Divish has forbidden Henry to leave Talmberg, Henry must find a way in order to escape Talmberg. There are several ways the player character can choose to escape the castle:

  • You can try to convince Sir Robard. However, much like Lord Divish and Sir Radzig, he refuses to let Henry out of the castle. Additionally, Henry lose reputation by doing so.
  • Henry can also escape the castle by jumping off the bridge leading to the outer castle. However, this will alert the guards below and require the player character to evade, bribe, or persuade anyone who catches Henry.
  • If you commit crime in Talmberg and serve jail time, you will be let go outside the castle with the gate still locked.
  • A better option is to seek out Lady Stephanie and ask for her help. She will advise Henry to disguise as a guard and equip armor, providing several leads. You can also request bribe money from her, and she will provide some groschen. If you attempt to leave through the main gate, you will encounter guard Radim. To pass, you can either convince Radim that Henry is a fellow guard or offer him a bribe, as long as the player character ensures he won’t face consequences by dressing up as a guard. Once you've paid your bribe, the gates will open, and you can leave.
  • The previous option will also work if you speak with Radim first. If he can be persuaded, Radim will suggest that Henry disguises as a guard so he can turn a blind eye. In this case, he will not need to be persuaded again once Henry asks to leave.

After leaving the castle gates, you will find yourself in the village below the castle. where the player character can access a variety of services such as the bathhouse, haircuts and other services. There is also an inn to sleep in if Henry is not returning to the castle. After exploring the village, the player character can start off towards Skalitz to bury your parents.


  • Even with Sir Radzig's sword, the player character will be easily outmatched upon confrontation. Therefore, it is recommended that the player run away from any combat with the Cumans. Sprint when possible to maintain distance. If drawn into combat, continue sprinting to break away before they attack.
  • Upon reaching the battlements, the player character can turn right and enter the weapons storage. Though it is not intended for Henry to know that you will need Talmberg gear later, you can help yourself to what you need without being caught. Two soldiers are in direct view of the entrance but will ignore you.
    • However, if Henry looted the weapons storage early, the objective will nott be completed and the player will have to return to the weapons chamber and open/close the already lockpicked and empty chest.
  • As the armor disguise works best and offers free loot, head back inside the castle. There is some loot in the gatehouse near the drawbridge, such as a Talmberg Shield, though the chests here require lockpicks. You can buy lockpicks from Votava, who is near Radim's gate. If lockpicks are unavailable, the player character can at least grab a bow and some arrows from the upper floor. Additionally, check the towers on both sides of the castle by climbing the ladders to where the guards sleep; the player character should find more chests with guard armor. You can double-check with Stephanie to ensure your disguise is sufficient before departing. Be sure to sell off any items you took from the kitchen or the gatehouse that are not marked as stolen.


  • If the player character runs west immediately after leaving Skalitz, the player can steal a horse standing near the road. Utilizing that horse to cross the bridge and steal the black horse on the other side of the river, the player can get a horse with 38 speed, 13 courage and 305 stamina which is superior to the lesser stats of Olena.
  • If the player character wants to keep any horse tack on the horse, it must be moved into the inventory before reaching Talmberg, as the player can not interact with the horses inventory after arriving at Talmberg.
  • The player can go out of bounds by jumping over a low stone wall between the two buildings in the ore processing yard. As long as the player does not cross any of the the Game Over triggers around Skalitz, or go to Objective A, you should be able to explore the whole map freely.