Kingdom Come: Deliverance quests

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This page lists all quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Base game

Main quests

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Main quests are quests that form the main storyline in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
There are 29 main quests, with 4 side quests integrated into the main story.

# Quest Description
1 Unexpected Visit We finally got some fine spring weather, but still I slept in late in the morning, because I was out celebrating til late in the evening. It was a bit hard getting out of bed this morning.
2 Run! My home town was attacked by foreign soldiers and many people slaughtered. I couldn't get inside the castle before they closed the gates, so they sent me to Talmberg to warn the people there in case they faced a similar fate.
3 Homecoming Although my liege lord Sir Radzig Kobyla forbade me to leave Talmberg and the lord of Talmberg, Sir Divish, complied with his wishes and tried to keep me in the castle, in the end I succeded in leaving. I had to get back to Skalitz to bury my parents. I couldn't just leave their bodies to the dogs.
4 Awakening I woke up from bad dreams. Theresa, the Skalitz miller's daughter was sitting leaning over me. It turns out it was she, together with Sir Robard and his men, who saved my life. Then she took me Rattay to uncle Peshek's mill. They looked after me the whole time I was delirious and feverish. Theresa also lost everything and is now living at her uncle's mill. I may stay here if I wish, but I have a debt to settle. My treatment was not without cost.
5 Train Hard, Fight Easy Sir Radzig wants me to undertake training with his Capitain, Sir Bernard. He has a reputation for being gruff, and I'm not sure whether he'll be too happy about Sir Radzig taking me, a blacksmith's son, into his service.
6 Keeping the Peace In order to become one of Sir Radzig's men, I had to enter the service of the bailiff of Rattay. He wants me to serve on sentry duty with Nightingale the watchman.
7 The Prey In the course of my training I had the honour of making the acquaintance of Sir Hans Capon, and we didn't to a very good start; we ended up brawling in the tavern. Sir Hanush is punishing both of us by sending us hunting together. It was clear that neither one of us was looking forward to the expedition.
8 The Hunt Begins Someone raided the Neuhof stud farm and Sir Radzig has sent me there along with a squad of his men to investigate what actually happened.
9 Ginger in a Pickle The Neuhof stud farm met with tragedy. A raiding party killed several horses and some people. The trail led me to suspect that someone from the farm may have been involved.
10 Mysterious Ways Ginger is hiding out in the woods in fear of his life, because by chance he recognized one of the bandits involved in the Neuhof massacre, some fellow with a limp who lives in Uzhitz.
11 On the Scent One of the members of the Neuhof gang, a fellow who goes by the moniker of Reeky, should be somewhere in the vicinity of Ledetchko. Unfortunately, that's about all I could find out so far. I expect it shouldn't be too hard to ... well, catch scent of this Reeky, although I don't expect it will be a pleasant encounter
12 My Friend Timmy I found out from Reeky that another of the bandits who raided Neuhof is apparently hiding out in a windmill south of Merhojed.
13 Nest of Vipers Sir Radzig asked me to scout out the location of the camp where the bandits who attacked Neuhof are holed up. I've got to find out as much as I can about the camp and, if possible, sabotage things a little.
14 Baptism of Fire A raiding party led by Captain Robard of Talmberg is preparing to attack the bandit camp and I'm to go with them. It will be my baptism of fire.
15 Questions and Answers While we were battling in Pribyslavitz, another gang of bandits attacked Merhojed. However, the villagers not only held off the raiders, but even took one captive. Sir Radzig wants me to interrogate him.
16 All that Glisters I found quite a pile of Groschen in the Pribyslavitz encampment, which Master Engineer Feyfar subsequently discovered to be fakes. Not only is that a capital crime against the Crown, but it's also proof that there's more going on around Rattay than meets the eye.
17 If You Can't Beat 'em After the affair of the counterfeiters, it's become clear that Sasau conceals many secrets. There's talk that there are "crimps", as they're called, recruiting men for a new bandit camp...
18 Poverty, Chastity and Obedience I discovered that the only way to the monastery leads through a young nobleman, who is supposed to join the monk's ranks.
19 A Needle in a Haystack A fellow is hiding in the Sasau Monastery who I'm supposed to find and kill. All I know about him is that he's one of the novices.
20 The Die is Cast My spiritual contemplation in the Order of St. Benedict is over. Farewell, Brother Gregor! Now, back to those crimps - let's hope they finally lead me to the bandit encampment.
21 Payback We finally tracked down the nest of vipers and now it's time to crush the head of the biggest and most venomous of them with our heels.
22 Out of the Frying Pan The victory in Vranik may have been for nothing. Istvan Toth and some of his men managed to slip away before our assault and head for Talmberg, which was left undefended. The foe has taken cover behind the castle walls, but we still have a chance to win the day.
23 Night Raid A decision was reached to try once more to sneak into the castle and free the hostages.
24 Siege None of our attacks succeeded and Talmberg remained in Istvan’s hands. Several camps sprung up around the castle and they all had to be got up and running.
25 Cold Steel, Hot Blood A messenger galloped into Talmberg with a report that Istvan's reinforcements are approaching. A battle seems inevitable.
26 Family Values Istvan didn't wait for the outcome of the skirmish, but took advantage of our departure and attacked the few men left guarding our trebuchet.
27 An Oath is an Oath The men are prepared, the trebuchet built and Istvan refuses to surrender. Talmberg must be conquered by force!
28 Vengeance
Main Article: Vengeance.
29 Epilogue Toth is gone and his men scattered, but there are still many things left unresolved.

Side quests

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Side quests are optional quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Most side quests do not contribute to or alter the course of the main storyline. There are 54 side quests in the vanilla game. DLCs such as From the Ashes, The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon and Band of Bastards, add more side quests and activities.

Side Quest Description
...Is a Friend Indeed I got Fritz and Matthew a new job at a mill. Now it's time to find out how they're getting on.
A Bird in the Hand... Three of the Rattay Huntsman's precious nightingales have flown off into the woods somewhere. I'm not exactly an ardent ornithologist - I'm more used to chasing bandits and thieves in the woods. But variety is the spice of life...
A Costly Brawl The monastery wants Fritz and Matthew to pay for treatment? That doesn't seem right to me.
A Friend In Need... I met my old mates Fritz and Matthew. And as usual they're in a pickle.
A Man of the Cloth The hamlet of Rovna is deserted - that is, but for one sole farmer. The others were either killed by Sigismund's marauders or fled to Rattay. St James' Church is also abandoned, and until they have a spiritual shepherd to reassure them, the surviving villagers wont be returning.
A Rock and a Hard Place Matthew and Fritz want to raid the quarry in Talmberg. It looks dangerous, but if we´re successful we´ll be rich.
Aquarius The Rattay Bailiff has work to offer some of the Skalitz refugees - carrying water and emptying latrines. He wants me to find out which of them are most needy and suitable for the job.
At Your Service, My Lady Stephanie from Talmberg wants an unforgettable wedding for her cousin Sophie.
Besmirched Someone was snooping around the ruins of Skalitz, looting whatever they could find of value. Someone ought to look into it. And of course stealing from a thief is no great sin...
Capon's Champion dlc Sir Hans wants me to enrol in the Rattay Tourney.
Cherchez la Femme I promised Hanekin Hare I'd help him. This aristocrat, outlaw and poacher hasn't had the last word yet. I don't know what he has in mind, but I expect the Master Huntsman and his wife will play leading roles in his plan.
Clothes Make the Man Sir Hanush has sent for me and Lord Capon. As Sir Hans' page, I should dress as well as I can for an audience like that. Fortunately, he was kind enough to let me have some of his cast-offs, which are still finer than anything I've ever worn.
Courtship Theresa, Miller Peshek's niece, is a good friend of mine from Skalitz. I've known her since we were children, and we've been through a lot together.
Damsel in Distress Every little boy dreams of becoming a knight in shining armour and rescuing a princess from a tower. I never thought that dream would come true for me ... well, sort of. I'm not a knight, it's not a princess I have to rescue, but a bathhouse wench, and she's not locked away in a tower, but on top of a hill.
Dead Men Tell No Tales dlc Svatopluk, the Samopesh blacksmith's son, died under very suspicious circumstances after winning the Rattay Tourney some years ago.
Emergency Supply Hanekin Hare's band of poachers isn't as merry as it was. They were attacked by the Talmberg soldiers and Hanekin had to hide out in a mine shaft with a handful of his faithful followers. But one of them, Black Lukesh, has lost the faith and plans to desert Hare. He doesn't want to go empty-handed though, especially since he has something put away for a rainy day at his house. Only his house is being watched by soldiers.
Gallows Brothers All my life I´ve been asking myself one thing: "Who to pin the blame on?".
Hare Hunt The Talmberg Huntsman Nicholas Angel asked me to help him track down some poachers who've been plundering the Talmberg woods recently.
In God's Hands I met Johanka a the monastery, and it looks like she's having trouble.
In the Cloister My name is Brother Gregor and I'm a monk in Sasau monastery. What would Pa have said about that? Most likely he'd piss himself laughing...God rest his soul. Anyway, in order to not draw attention to myself, I must dress like a monk, speak like a monk, and behave like a monk.
Last Will and Testament Everyone deals with the approach of death in their own way. Some look for God's forgiveness, others try to do right by their loved ones, others to set their wordly affairs in order.
Libri Prohibiti In the monastery library there is a cabinet containing forbidden books, locked away from prying eyes. And among them is the very book that Brother Nevlas thinks could cure the ailing Abbot Peter. Why should such a book be banned? Well, the medicinal arts are not always compatible with the Divine Plane, besides which, the author was an infidel!
Lost in Translation Some millhands in Budin have captured a Cuman raider. From what I've heard, none of them knows quite what to do with the captive.
Masquerade Fritz and Matthew have hatched a plan, which usually means lots of fun... and lots of mischief.
Mightier than the Sword They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Maybe it's time I learned to read.
Miracles While You Wait On my travels I've met all sorts of peculiar folk, but none to compare with the Sasau charlatan. Magic of all colours and shades, relics, elixirs and talismans - all these miraculous things you can get from him. At a price. Naturally, like all trades, he has to stock up now and again, and that, it seems, is where I come in.
Money for Old Rope There's to be an execution in Rattay - without Hermann, the Rattay Executioner.
Nasty Habits Someone is sneaking into the cellars at night to drink wine. I'm pretty sure that's against the monastery rules!
New Herbarium Brother Nicodemus asked me to help him with putting together a new herbarium.
Next to Godliness In which I go to the baths to see Lord Capon, and what befalls us there.
Pestilence The hamlet of Merhojed has been stricken by a mysterious scourge that first infected the animals and now the villagers.
Playing with the Devil Three village wenches in Uzhitz want to use a magic ointment, risking their lives and immortal souls.
Rattled Master Armouer Ota Rabstein refuses to sell his forge to the Sasau blacksmith, Zach. Zach's so furious that he decides to humiliate Ota in front of the whole town. If he can't have Ota's forge, he'll at least take his customers.
Restless Spirit The herb woman asked me to help Drahomia, the butcher woman from Ledetchko who is at her wits' end. She claims the ghost of her dead neighbour has been haunting her at night and she can't get a wink of sleep.
Robber Baron It´s not unusual for family quarrels to get blown out of proportion, though they usually end with nothing worse than bruised feelings. Not so in the case of Captain Bernard´s kin! Two of his cousins are feuding so fiercely that one is lying seriously wounded in Rattay and the other is pillaging farms around Neuhof with his band of renegades. Sir Hanush has sent me and Lord Capon on a punitive expedition to deal with the robber baron. Captain Bernard will naturally be leading the corps himself.
Rocketeer For the conquest of Talmberg you need to build a trebuchet. This is more difficult than may seem at first glance.
Saintly Remains Urban wants to touch a relic of Saint Procopius for good luck. He asks you to bring something from the cave beneath the monastery.
Scattered Pages It seems someone tore pages from an old book and hid them around the monastery. We a [sic] little effort, it should be possible to put it all back together.
Scavenger There's talk that there's still treasure to be found in Skalitz...
Sheep in Wolf's Clothing They say forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest, and that goes double for poached game. Maybe that's one of the reasons I'm tempted to join the gang of poachers that's hiding out in the Talmberg woods. On the other hand, I might just want to infiltrate them to find out what they're really up to.
Talmberg Horse Race The glorious Talmberg Ribbon Race.
The Abbot's List In the Abbot's study, now serving as the Prior's chambers, there should be documents with information about the other novices that might offer leads in the search for Pious.
The Good Thief Miller Pesek and his niece, Theresa, took care of me while I was at death's door. I owe them my life.
The Horse That Bolted The Uzhitz stables have lost a horse. More precisely their fastest stallion, Pie, has run off. The Head Groom asked me to find Pie and bring him back to the stables.
The House of God There's been an accident at the Sasau Monastery construction works due to bad quality stone. The Talmberg Quarry Master is worried the affair will damage his good name.
The King's Silver The Skalitz mineworks are standing idle, still damaged by the Cuman raid. It's time to assess the state they're in and start the job of getting them back up and running, if possible.
The Sport of Kings The Lord of Talmberg has stopped buying his horses from the Neuhof stud farm. Coming in the wake of the recent brutal raid on the farm, during which several horses were slaughtered, this is a severe blow for Widow Zora, who lost her husband, Smil the chief groom, in the attack and is struggling to keep the stud running. She has asked me if I would put in a word for her with Sir Divish of Talmberg.
The Trials of a Novice Novice Lucas has asked me to help solve his problems with the Brother Circators. They've been picking on him and making his life a misery.
Tough Love Herman the Executioner is trying to help the widow Elishka. Only living with an executioner brings all sorts of problems.
Tricks of the Trade There's talk that the Sasau blacksmith uses magic charms when tempering steel and his counterpart in Ledetchko would like to know if there’s any truth in it.
Waldensians Uzhitz has an uninvited guest - the Archbishop’s Vicar. He claims to be here to hunt down a group of heretics in the area. But Sir Hanush is of a different opinion. He thinks the Vicar has come here in order to snoop, and wants to see him off back to Prague.
Weeds Brother Nicodemus asked me to weed his patch.
Worldly Goods I found an interesting secret stash in the Monastery.


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Activities are minor quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. There are 19 activities, which do not contribute to the main storyline. The DLC From the Ashes also introduced the activity Judgement, although it does not appear in the quest log.

Side Quest Description
A Woman Scorned A woman who's seen better days is plying the oldest trade in the world outside the Inn in the Glade. She wants me to go thieving for her.
Beggars´ Feast Alex, the leader of the Skalitz refugees, asked me to hunt down some game for them. That's poaching, but a man should help his neighbour.
Chumps on the River Ongoing. I met an interesting fellow. He's an archer by the name of Vatzek and he told me about this game. It's called "Chumps" and is about hitting logs floating down the river.
Delicacies Andrew the innkeeper buys game. Hunting isn't exactly legal, but that's why there's plenty of coin in it.
Do Me a Favour - Punch Me! Ongoing. There's a brawler in Rattay who fights people for silver. Maybe I could beat a Groschen or two out of him.
Fat Profits The Sasau butcher offered me an interesting job. I´m to get him some game and he´ll reward me generously. It´s poaching, but a job´s a job.
Fishy Business in Uzhitz Ongoing. The Uzhitz fisherman organizes prize fights.
Green-Eyed Monster A farmhand with a grievance wants to get revenge, and he wants my help to do it.
Henry the Master Huntsman After I helped Hanekin Hare, I was honoured with the title of Talmberg Master Huntsman. Now I have to take care of the Talmberg woods and keep the noble tables supplied with good quality game.
Interlopers There are marauders roaming even the Sasau area and Sir Sebastian vom Berg needs help with them.
Pickpocketing Miller Peshek promised to teach me how to pick pockets.
Rattay Tourney dlc The glorious Rattay Tournament convened by Sir Hanush.
Raiders Cumans are pillaging around Talmberg, which Sir Divish is understandably upset about. So there's a generous bounty on their heads
Revenge of the Cuman King There's two strange men in Skalitz - one claims to be the spokesman for the Cuman king and that the second is allegedly His Majesty, although he doesn't look too regal...
Rob the Rich, Give to the Poor A scruffy vagabond from the refugee camp in Rattay wants me to do some pickpocketing for him.
Ruin Bandits have settled in the vicinity of Rattay and are plundering the region. There's a generous bounty on their heads.
Skin Brada the tanner wants animal hides. And he pays quite well for them.
The Queen of Sheba's Sword The Sasau swordsmith told me some pilgrim wandering the area said he had come from Jerusalem and had been selling fragments he claimed came from the sacred sword of the Queen of Sheba. The swordsmith would like to get his hands on those fragments and he offered me a handsome reward for helping him to achieve that.
Thick as Thieves - Peshek Peshek the Miller is known to pack away not just bags of flour, but quite a few pilfered valuables from the Rattay townsfolk. He might have some work for me to do.
Thick as Thieves - Simon Just like Peshek and Woyzeck, Simon too has an interest in "milling" a bit of extra business. I could help him out.
Thick as Thieves - Woyzeck Woyzeck is another miller making unlawful money on the side. He might have some work for me
Who Do You Like dlc Miller Peshek will take a wager on the tourney from me.

A Woman's Lot

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Quest/Activity Description
DLC main quests
Unexpected Visit (Theresa)
Thicker than Water
Ties that Bind
The Madonna of Sasau
DLC side quests
Angel of Mercy (quest)
Bonum Commune
Cry Wolf!

Band of Bastards

Quest/Activity Description
DLC quests
A Tight Spot We rode out on patrol, this time toward Sasau. Someone there saw an unfamiliar company of horsemen, which is something we should definitely investigate.
Bad Blood I set out with Kuno and his band on our first patrol of the province. I was very curious indeed what trouble I might have to face - whether from marauding brigands or from the lawkeepers themselves!
Band of Bastards (Side Quest) Sir Radzig has asked for my help again. He charged a mercenary, one Sir Kuno of Rychwald, and his band with patrolling the province and keeping order. I'm to act as a guide for the mercenaries and, since they themselves are a little hard to distinguish from brigands, to keep their appetite for trouble in check.
Thirty Pieces Kuno sent me to deal with the treacherous Jackey. He doesn't much care how I do it, just as long as I found out as much as possible about Hagen's plans.'
Uninvited Guests Henry sets off on another patrol with Kuno's band. While patrolling near Uzhitz, a woman crying for help gets the attention of the band. She informs the band that bandits are attacking the mill and that there are women there. Kuno decides to attack and a choice on how to go about the attack ensues.
What Price Honour? I know where Hagen is going to be and what he's planning. Now the question is, how to deal with it? There will be no end to the chaos as long as Hagen is obsessed with his insane feud with Sir Radzig.
DLC activities
The Ring of Bacchus There's an interesting game that Kuno's men play to pass the time. There's a ring that goes around between them, called the Ring of Bacchus. Whoever has it when they're at the tavern can drink and eat his fill at Kuno's expense. The ring is a highly coveted item in the camp, so I thought I'd join the game too.

From the Ashes

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Quest/Activity Description
DLC quests
Lost in the Woods There's been talk that Sir Divish has grand plans for the ruined village of Pribyslavitz now the bandits have been driven out. And his plans started to involve me when he send me on a quest to find a missing man he'd sent there.
A Place to Call Home In reward for my services, Sir Divish appointed me Bailiff of Pribyslavitz. It's a great honour, but for now I'm only in charge of some ruins, so I'll have to rebuild the place into a thriving hamlet.
Supplies dlc Lots of raw materials and other supplies will be needed to rebuilt the village of Pribyslavitz.
DLC activities
Judgement No description

The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon

The quests listed below are part of the DLC The Amorous Adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon.

Quest/Activity Description
Honeyed Words Young Lord Capon is in love. Again! And again he wants me to help him win the heart of the maiden in question.
Game of Throws The bold Sir Hans Capon inherited a lovely necklace from his great-grandmother... which he lost at dice. And now he wants it back again. That sounds simple enough... right?
No Rest for the Wicked After leaving Sasau in a hurry, the Charlatan has been trying his luck in Ledetchko, but with little success. The people are quite content and have no need of his dubious remedies. But all that could all [sic] change...