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Character info
Player Determinant

Mladota is a Bandit in service of Sir Erhart. He is part of Erhart's gang of robbers. He is found hiding out in Sir Erhart's Encampment during Game of Throws. He is the newest member of the gang.

You can challenge him to a duel if you lose against him in Farkle, when challenged he will mention that the last guy he killed didnt even see him coming. He will not challenge you should you win against him. He doesnt seem well liked by the other robbers, calling him a Mad Dog. Old Blaha will also warn you about him when its your turn to face him in dice. If you kill Mladota the other bandits will mention that they are glad he is missing "The longer he stays away the better, he is a mad dog".

He joined the gang after he was waiting in ambush for some wagoner who had been mouthing off about him. But instead it was some merchant and his armed guard who he ambushed. He was taken captive by the merchant and his guards. And was being accuses of being Erharts spy by the guards who had been searching for Erharts gang. Thats when Erhart and his gang came upon them and chased off the guards, and released Mladota and accepted him into the gang.



