Out of the Frying Pan

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Out of the Frying Pan is the twenty-second main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It begins immediately after Payback, where Henry and the Lords realize that Sir Istvan Toth has led them into a trap.


The victory in Vranik may have been for nothing. Istvan Toth and some of his men managed to slip away before our assault and head for Talmberg, which was left undefended. The foe has taken cover behind the castle walls, but we still have a chance to win the day.


  • Occupy the outer bailey and prepare the ground for infiltration into the castle.
    • Open the portcullis to the outer bailey, so the reinforcements can get in.


Having discovered that they have walked into a trap, and Istvan has taken his troops to Talmberg, the lords rush north, but it is too late. Istvan, posing as an injured traveler, has already gained access to the hamlet, murdering the guards that Divish left behind, and capturing Lady Stephanie.

The portcullis closes behind Henry

Your men will race through into the outer bailey, while Radzig manages to gain access to the castle, and the portcullis slams shut behind you. Run up around the buildings to access the gate tower, and roll it up again to allow your reinforcements in.

At first, it seems as though Divish and his troops will be victorious, as the inner portcullis jams, but Istvan emerges holding a knife to Stephanie's throat. Divish orders his troops to hold, and calls him out for being a coward. But Istvan is unperplexed, pointing out he has strong walls and more than enough hostages, as his men drag out an unconscious Sir Radzig. He then orders his bandits to fire, and set the outer bailey alight. After all, he points out, he wants nothing from them - except perhaps to watch them die.

Istvan gloats while holding Stephanie and Radzig hostage

In the chaos, Divish is shot in the arm, and the men are forced to retreat. Outside, they try to decide what to do. Istvan only has to wait for Sigismund to send reinforcements and wipe them out, but they have no chance of military support from Wenceslas, still a prisoner. Whatever they do, it has to be quick. Hanush proposes besieging the castle, but Divish tells him that must be their last resort. Sir Robard suggests that, after dark, a few men could sneak into the castle, and rescue the hostages. It'll be risky, but they don't have any other choices.

Henry, of course, volunteers.
