Capon's hunting bow

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Capon's hunting bow
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Capon's hunting bow is a weapon used in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is held in Henry's Main Hand and classified as a bow.


"A fine hunting bow you won in a wager against Lord Capon."

How to Obtain

  • Defeat Hans Capon in Both the archery contest and the sword duel during the events of the quest Train Hard, Fight Easy and he will give Henry his personal bow.
  • Strategy: Henry will be equipped with the Very light bow and Tournament arrows. Aiming it at the center of the target's top post, one can land bullseyes quite easily with the right timing. One may consider switching to any lower end Villager's Bow to attain lower arrow drop-off (better range), while keeping the same draw speed. One can even use regular or Better Long-distance arrows in order to lower arrow drop-off. Keep in mind, better bows will over-shoot the target if you use the "aim at top post" strategy of the Very Light bow. Also note that if you change your equipped bow, you need to re-draw it from your back. So, don't be standing there confused as to why you can't shoot while Hans is getting his arrows out.
  • During the sword duel you should aim for Capon's head as his combat jacket reduces the damage significantly
  • Note that if Capon's hunting bow is not obtained here, it will be unobtainable by normal means. One would require Console Commands.


  • This is one of the best bows in terms of damage for stat requirements.
    • Bows take longer to shoot the higher their Strength requirement is, however, because Capon's hunting bow has such low requirements for the damage it deals, it becomes an optimal bow for any type of hunting, and provided you have decent arrows and have a moderately high Bow skill, then even Red deer can be killed with a single shot out of it. Even if you miss, you can more effectively, and quickly fire another shot.
  • This bow is a must-have for anyone who is inclined towards hunting.
  • Early on, it is a suitable bow for Combat as well, especially for quickly loosing arrows tipped in Dollmaker potion, quickly immobilizing enemies and making them easy to eliminate.
  • Shares its appearance and icon with the Yew longbow.
    • Considering Hans Capon commenting that the bow's "best years are behind it", it may very well be a Yew Longbow that is worn out, or with a looser string.
Capon's Bow