Very light bow

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Very light bow
Item information
Technical information

The Very light bow is a weapon in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is held in Henry's Main Hand and classified as a bow.


Very light bow

How to Obtain

  • Several in a very-hard-locked chest on the second floor of the guard tower (trespassing) where you pick your equipment during Keeping the Peace, located behind the Cobbler's shop. It is the guard tower mentioned by Nightingale during the patrol.
  • The bow can be obtained after completing the quest Next to Godliness, next time you speak to Hans Capon he will ask you to change into some clothes he's left in a chest for you, accept and you will find the bow in the chest along with the clothes.
  • Pickpocketed off of Old Ruch roaming Rattay and the road leading up to it.


  • Identical to the Trial bow in every way, including stats, icon and appearance. The only difference is the name.
  • It is one of the fastest drawing bows in the game. However, the arrow drop-off is high, and it's draw speed is matched by other bows with higher power, so it is not better to use the Very Light bow over most Villager's bows.
  • This is the bow Henry uses for archery training in the Main quest Train Hard, Fight Easy, and is removed from the player's inventory afterwards. If one tries dropping it on the ground and switching to another bow, it will not be at the range to be picked up afterwards.

Very light.png