Bandit Prisoner

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Bandit Prisoner
Character info

The Bandit Prisoner was a member of Runt's gang at Pribyslavitz, who was captured during an attempted raid on Merhojed. His name is unknown.


During Questions and Answers, Henry discovers that the villagers of Merhojed fought off a group of bandits, taking one of them prisoner. However, by the time he arrives to investigate, the town is racked by a plague, and he must cure it in Pestilence before the prisoner is well enough to talk. 

Once a cure is found, the bandit makes it clear he is willing to cooperate if Henry will give him a quick end, rather than turn him over for a slow torturous death at the hands of the Rattay executioner. He is able to give Henry vital information to help track down the man he calls "Chief", but when the interrogation is over, Old Straw bursts into the room, intent on slowly torturing and killing the bandit as revenge for his son's death. 

Henry can either let the old man have his vengeance, or escort the bandit to Rattay to be tried and executed. 

Alternatively, if the correct cure is not given to the bandit in time, he will die from the disease, and Henry will need to speak with Melichar to determine what was done with his body in order to get the letter he carries on him. 

