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You will mainly be fighting humans, and their dogs, in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Although you can pick a fight with anyone, cumans and bandits will be your main concern.


Mercenaries hired by King Sigismund to be the core of his army, cumans are trained soldiers speaking a 'strange language' (in the words of Henry). They are the ones raiding Skalitz and the main foes for a good part of the game.

They are found hiding in camps, in the deep woods, or in the northern parts of the map, near Skalitz.


They are working for Sigismund of Luxembourg, and led on the field by cuman leaders or captains, with a typical rate of 4-5 soldiers for 1 captain.


There are cuman archers, footsoldiers and cavalry.

Not all cumans are equally strong: some will be fairly weak, not able to perform perfect blocks of master strikes, while some captains will be as skilled as Black Peter and the likes.


Their equipment varies a lot, some archers will only wear a caftan, some breetches, and a pair of boots, while the heavy infantry and cavalry wears full lamellar armour or even full plate armour.

Cumans are the sole source of lamellar armour and -cuman items.



