Unexpected Visit

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For Theresa's version of the quest, see Unexpected Visit (Theresa).
Unexpected Visit
Unexpected visit.jpeg
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Unexpected Visit is the first main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, functioning as its tutorial.


We finally got some fine spring weather, but still I slept in late in the morning, because I was out celebrating 'til late in the evening. It was a bit hard getting out of bed this morning.

Quick walkthrough

  • Go to your father
    • Buy a bag of charcoal at the market (0/10)
    • Collect the debt from Kunesh
      • Try to get the axe, hammer and nails back another way.
        • Go to Mother - she'll patch you up
        • Find somethings at Kunesh's worth selling
    • Pick up the cross-guard at the castle (0/1)
    • Buy ale at the tavern
      • Buy beer and don't let it get warm!
    • Go with your friends to the Deutsch's house
      • (Optional) Discuss the plan of attack with your friends
        • (Optional) Lure Deutsch's wife away
          • Go and get revenge on the Deutsch
            • Run from the catchpole
              • (Optional) Meet the lads at Kunesh's
  • Go to the sword-fighing lesson
    • Slashing (0/5)
    • Stabbing (0/3)
    • Chain strikes (0/3)
  • Go back to Father at the forge

Detailed walkthrough

The quest begins with Henry's mother waking Henry up. She informs him that his father, Martin, the local blacksmith, has to finish Sir Radzig Kobyla's new sword before the day ends. After a talk with his mother about his whereabouts the prior day, he is prompted by his mother to have breakfast, as neglecting hunger can negatively affect your abilities. There is pottage cooking in a pot on the fire and fresh food around the house.

Once you have eaten, head outside to meet your father at his forge. He will give you a list of errands to run, before he can complete the sword for Sir Radzig. First, head down the path and go left to the castle gates. The local guards, Janek and Jaroslav, won’t let you pass into the castle but they will give you the crossguard that you need.

Training with Vanyek

Head back down the path and through the gate to enter the village. Follow the path down past Havel's cart to see Combat Master Vanyek sitting at a table outside the inn. After talking to Vanyek, follow him to the arena near the sheepfold to get started.

Kunesh's debt

After training with Vanyek, head back to the town market and follow the left path alongside the houses. There, you’ll find Kunesh using the axe he hasn’t paid for. Unfortunately, he will refuse to fulfill his debt. There are a variety of choices that can be taken here:

  • The player character can engage in a fight with Kunesh alone. If Henry wins the fight, Kunesh will give up and give you the keys. However, this method is difficult to do alone.
  • The player character can wait until he puts down the axe and steal it, but Henry needs a lockpick or Kunesh's keys to unlock the chest where he's stashed the hammer and nails.
    • Fritz, who is outside the tavern, can give the player three lockpicks if the player has exhausted all other methods of obtaining the debt, and if Henry has approached the chest inside Kunesh's home.
  • If Henry has helped his friends get revenge, the player character can ask them to help you fight Kunesh to obtain the debt.

Revenge on the Deutsch

Whatever method you decide to attempt with Kunesh, entering the tavern will start another objective. One of the patrons, the German-born Deutsch, is running his mouth about the recent abduction of King Wenceslas IV, who has been usurped by his brother King Sigismund. The Deutsch is in favor of the move, as he considers Wenceslas to be weak and unfit to rule.

Henry and his friends aren’t pleased about his words, and so you’ll have the option to partake in a little revenge. However, it's important to note that if you take too long, Henry's friends will go on without you.

Upon meeting up with Henry's friends, they discuss a plan of attack when you get to the house if you want to join in. Luring the Deutsch's wife away is easy, and upon her departure, you can grab some dung and throw it at the Deutsch's newly whitewashed house.

The Deutsch’s son Hannes will appear with Zbyshek and another lackey, prompting a fistfight. Unlike the previous engagement with Kunesh, combat here is very easy, and damage isn't permanent. Keep fighting until they run or the local catchpole comes running. If Johanka comes to warn you he's on the way, it's best to flee with your friends. Otherwise, the catchpole will catch and reprimand the player character.

Buying charcoal

After meeting up with Henry's friends behind Kunesh's house, go to the market near the pillory and seek the charcoal-burner’s helper to get the needed charcoal. You’ll have enough money to cover the 10 pieces, but you can haggle the merchant to purchase it for less.

Pitcher of ale

Finally, go to the tavern in order to obtain the pitcher of ale Henry's father requested. Head inside and speak with Bianca, Henry's sweetheart, to get a pitcher of ale for your father. She will also give you three Saviour Schnapps. This alcoholic drink is one way you can manually save the game, but getting more schnapps costs money, so choose these points wisely.

Forging the sword

Once Henry's chores are done, it’s time to head back to Father. As the player character forges the sword, he may have some choice words for Henry depending on if you and your friends got into some trouble. Afterwards, a local woman named Theresa will come by for some nails, and your father will send you to the house to get them. The player character can grab everything in the trunk if the player chooses to.

After turning over the goods and finishing the sword Sir Radzig himself, along with the visiting Sir Istvan, will come to admire the magnificent blade Henry has forged.

After they leave, Henry questions his father about his past, but Martin dodges the question by promising his son to talk about it someday. The two argue over Henry's desire to go off and have adventures, with Martin extolling the virtues of a quiet life. However, a messenger gallops into the inner gate and a horn in the distance sounds the arrival of King Sigismund and his army of Cuman mercenaries, led into battle by Markvart von Auliz.


  • When talking to his mother about Fritz and Matthew, choose the dialogue option 'They are not drunks' followed by 'Give me an example'. This unlocks an additional dialogue option with Martin later on about his time in Kuttenberg.
  • While fighting Vanyek, notice the five-pointed star and the dotted chest in the middle. As you move your cursor around, you can target each of these points. Keep this in mind as you change your stance and consider where your opponent may have weaker armor. For example, Vanyek has metal greaves, but his arms are lightly armored, and his head is exposed.
    • Try some simple slashes and practice changing the angles of your attacks. After this, you can try stabbing, which is good for catching opponents off guard but has less force. Finally, try chaining attacks. Slash, and as soon as you hear the crack of your sword, follow up with another attack at a different angle or a thrust to chain the attack.


  • If you don't lure the wife of Deutsch away, leaving Matthias, Fritz and Metthew waiting on you and you finish the quest instead, you will not lose Reputation as the dung flinging never happened. However, your father will still berate you about the gossip he heard about the dung being flung at Deutsch's house, even though it never happened.
  • If the player character obtains the pitcher of ale early on in the quest, it will get warm and Henry's father will ask him to obtain another pitcher.