Family Values

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Family Values is the twenty-sixth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This quest begins automatically following the final cutscene in Cold Steel, Hot Blood.


Istvan didn't wait for the outcome of the skirmish, but took advantage of our departure and attacked the few men left guarding our trebuchet.


  • Go and quickly help and defend the trebuchet!
    • Join the briefing in the tent.


At the end of the quest Cold Steel, Hot Blood, Captain Robard appears in a panic with news that the enemy has come to destroy the trebuchet.

Follow the quest objective or your allies back to the encampment. Seeing as you are locked out of calling for your horse during this mission, you won't be able to hoof it back to camp (instead you'll have to foot it).

Once you arrive back at the camp with the trebuchet, help the soldiers defeat Medek's men. After a successful battle, Henry is rewarded 775 Prague Groschen and a cutscene will begin. Robard orders Konrad to fire the trebuchet, but with Lady Stephanie and Sir Radzig still held hostage inside, an already hesitant Divish objects. Henry suggests that Erik, as the leader of Istvan Toth's reinforcements, might be valuable to him and they could potentially engage in a hostage swap. This leads the men to decide to interrogate Erik before going forth with the siege.

After the cutscene, Henry must go to the briefing in the main tent with Divish and Hanush as they begin the interrogation. Hanush met by an obstinate Erik asks Henry to help get him to sing. The player than has multiple dialogue choices, but to get anything useful out of him you will have to pass some skill checks. Successfully completing all of the skill check interrogation options about Erik will unlock the achievement/trophy Freud.

  • Henry: (Speech check) Who is this Toth?
    • Erik: "He's an orphan, same as me. The Turks killed his parents, so he started killing Turks. Sigismund needed men like that, so Istvan ended up in his service."
  • Henry: (Charisma check) How did you meet him?
    • Erik: "He killed my parents."
    • Henry: "What Toth killed your parents?"
    • Erik: "You could never understand. They were weak. Istvan's strong - he took better care of me than any father."
  • Henry: (Speech check) What are you people after?
    • Erik: "Are you really that clueless? To destroy Wenceslas' allies - you!"
  • Henry: Who does he work for?
    • Erik: "Are you stupid? You said it yourself - he works for Sigismund."
  • Henry: (Strength check) How many men has he got in the castle?
    • Erik: "How should I know? There were nearly seventy of us at the beginning, but there's probably not even half left. But that's still more than there ever were in that castle. More than enough to defend it."
  • Henry: We'll exchange you for the hostages.
    • Erik: "Do you take him for a fool? Do you really think he'd give up the only thing he has that stops you from attacking? He'll never accept an exchange.
    • Henry: "You better pray he will, for your own sake! Because once we attack, you'll be worthless to us. And what do you suppose will happen to a worthless bandit?"
  • Henry: (End dialog) I won't waste any more time on you.
Erik's stats
link=First Aid {{{firstaid}}}
10-12 9-10 13-15

After a successful interrogation, Erik becomes insistent that Toth will save him no matter what. Sir Hanush leads the hostage negotiations with Toth, but Toth refuses to swap hostages. He reveals that Lady Stephanie and Sir Radzig are still alive, though he threatens the Lady's well-being should anything happen to Erik.

Afterwards, Divish asks for advice. Robard says they have no choice but to attack, but Divish still objects. Hanush, agreeing with Robard, points out that they have no choice but to attack as they do not have enough supplies to wait it out for weeks while bands of brigands and Sigismund's army roam the countryside. He adds, "Toth won't agree to an exchange and even if he did, we'd have to let him go. With all his men, he'd be a thorn in our sides till Judgement Day."

A messenger arrives saying that Margrave Jobst of Luxembourg, Margrave of Moravia and cousin to King Wenceslas and Sigismund, has arrived with his retinue and wishes to speak to Sir Divish.

Divish reluctantly agrees with Robard and Hanush to let the men rest and then attack. The quest ends, and An Oath is an Oath automatically begins.


  • You will not be able to call your horse or dog during this mission.
  • During the interrogation with Erik, successfully completing all of the skill check dialogue options will grant you the achievement/trophy Freud.