Cold Steel, Hot Blood

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Cold Steel, Hot Blood is the twenty-fifth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After building the trebuchet in the quest Siege, a cutscene sequence will trigger and this side quest will begin automatically.


A messenger galloped into Talmberg with a report that Istvan's reinforcements are approaching. A battle seems inevitable.


  • Find out from Sir Divish what role you have in defence.
    • When you're ready, go to battle.
      • Hold.
        • Defend the ford!
          • Help Sir Hanush.


During the cutscene sequence in Siege, a messengers tells the camp that the enemy Havel Medek of Valdek is on his way with reinforcements for Toth. While strategizing with Captain Robard and Sir Hanush, Sir Divish suggests that since he is wounded, Captain Robard will make the stand against Medek with both Sir Divish and Sir Radzig's men. Hanush is to wait until Medek's men charges before striking from the rear in two different places. Bernard is to protect the encampments.

After the cutscene Henry questions Sir Divish about his part in the battle, stating that he wanted to go with the Skalitz men. Sir Divish responds that he would like Henry to co-command the Skalitz men since he is someone they can look up to. Henry is to go to the wood above the road to Rattay where he and the Skalitz men will remain concealed. He is to keep nervous men in line, and when given the order attack the rear fast and fierce.

Head northwest to the objective marker when you are ready. After a fade to black, Henry will be locked in place holding the line against their foes until the right moment to attack presents itself, wherein you and the Skalitz men will have to defend the ford by defeating all the enemies as the begin to cross it.

Despite your excellent work, the foe breaks though the blockade on the bridge in a cutscene and you have to run to the aid of Sir Hanush across the bridge (follow your men or the objective marker). Following your success, another cutscene will begin.

Erik, who you met earlier at Vranik in the quest The Die is Cast is captured and revealed by Henry to be the leader of the attack as Toth's captain and right-hand man. Robard appears in a panic with news that the enemy has come to destroy the trebuchet, ending the quest Cold Steel, Hot Blood and automatically beginning the quest Family Values.
