Nest of Vipers

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Nest of Vipers is the thirteenth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. After completing My Friend Timmy, Sir Radzig will order Henry to scout out the bandit camp at Pribyslavitz

If you integrated yourself with the bandits or can get hold of a full Cuman outfit, you will be able to walk around the camp unmolested, otherwise, you will be required to sneak.

In order to sabotage the camp, you will need a torch and up to four doses of poison, or Bane potion.


Sir Radzig asked me to scout out the location of the camp where the bandits who attacked Neuhof are holed up. I've got to find out as much as I can about the camp and, if possible, sabotage things a little.


  • Go and scout out the bandit's camp
  • The woodcutter's camp by the northern road from Talmberg.
    • Go to the fork with the ruined cabin.
      • Go straight ahead to the next fork by a clearing with a big beech tree.
        • Take a left and continue on the path to the next fork.
          • Take a left and carry on to the junction.
            • Carry on straight at the crossroads all the way to the camp.
  • Find the bandit's camp
    • (Optional) Sabotage the bandits before the battle begins
      • (Optional) Sabotage: you can poison their food
      • (Optional) Sabotage: you can set fire to the arrows.
    • Look around the camp and see what could be useful information for the attack
      • Go back to Sir Radzig.
        • Ask Sir Divish of Talmberg for reinforcements.
          • When you're ready for battle, speak to Sir Divish.


North of Talmberg and Rovna is the abandoned village of Pribyslavitz - now occupied by the Cuman army and Runt's gang of bandits. Either go to Rovna and follow the stream north-east, or start in Talmberg. Head north until you reach the woodcutter's camp. Keep left at each fork until you reach the crossroads, and continue west until you reach the bandit camp.

Henry infiltrates the bandit camp.

It is possible to simply sneak around and scout the camp, looking for entry points or other areas of interest. However, to make the upcoming attack easier, you should work to sabotage the bandits by poisoning the food pots, and to set the arrow caches on fire. This will reduce the number of enemies, and archers, that you will soon face. If you integrated yourself with the bandits in the last quest, you can walk right in (avoid Morcock as this will make the whole camp hostile).

If you can put together a Cuman outfit (either by looting one of the patrolling guards or using gear you've kept from previous encounters), people won't pay as much attention to you, provided you don't act suspiciously. However, don't get too close to any other Cumans, as you can only convince them you are trustworthy three times before they turn on you, and getting caught sabotaging the camp or attacking anyone will set the camp against you. But, this only appears to work if you eliminate Morcock.

Runt dispenses justice

Otherwise, stealth is your friend - wait until dusk and then go about your business. Alternatively, you can try and wipe out the whole camp on your own (an excellent way to gather some loot), but this will have no impact on reducing the enemy numbers in the later battle - try attacking when they are on patrol, rather than starting a dogpile in the middle of camp. The massive quantity of loot means that it's nearly impossible to carry it all, much less sell it, so consider making periodic raids with a chance to distribute your loot to merchants throughout the region.

The bandits and the Cumans are in two separate camps - the bandits to the West and the Cumans to the North. As you enter the bandit camp, you will see a man being dragged up to the nearby Church, where Runt emerges. The man has been accused of starting a fight that resulted in the death of two Hungarians.

Runt is furious, reminding everyone they are supposed to be a united army. Although the Cumans are willing to let the man go as a sign of cooperation, when he accuses Runt of taking orders from heathen dogs, the bandit instead runs him through with a sword.

Setting fire to an arrow cache.

There are two arrow caches and two pots in each camp - but don't let anyone see you meddling. You can poison the pots silently during the night, but setting fire to arrows using your torch will alert nearby enemies immediately. Once you have scouted the area sufficiently, and done what you want to sabotage the enemy, go back to Sir Radzig.

You'll need to give him a full report - the location, the combination of bandits and Cumans, the arms and armour, the ladders you saw, and how many enemies you'll face. Radzig will then ask whether Henry managed to sabotage the camp and relay what you have done. Then, he will reward you with 250 Prague Groschen and tell you to ride to Talmberg and request reinforcements from Lord Divish. Divish will ask if you are ready, or if you need time to prepare. Once you have all your armour, weapons, and potions ready, eat your fill and make sure you are well-rested. Then, speak to Divish.

Sir Robard will accompany you to meet Radzig in Pribyslavitz. There, Radzig will grill Henry on his proposed battle plans, and they will ultimately decide to cross the bridge and try to engage the enemy in the clearing, beginning Baptism of Fire.


  • Due to the limitations of the AI, it is entirely possible to lame your way through this mission: Go in with a Cuman disguise, and hop on the wagon next to the entrance to the bandit side of the camp. Now you can pick off all the bandits and a few Cumans with bow and arrows. They can't reach you, but be aware, their archers can, so pick these off first. Sabotage the two pots and arrow stashes in the camp. Now go over to the Cuman camp and dispose of the 5 or six Cumans left there (who will conveniently attack at most 3 at a time). Now you have all the time in the world to sabotage this side too. Be aware that the Bandits might have respawned already, so sneak out into the woods at the far end of the Cuman camp.
  • It is unclear whether requesting fewer troops from Radzig has an effect on later parts of the game. However if you choose to send all the troops (last option), the farm where you found Timmy will be burned after future events.
  • The guards at the upper gate by the church change depending on how you entered the camp. If trying a Cuman disguise, you will have to get past heavily armoured Cuman infantry. If you did the favour for Morcock, there will be bandits instead.
  • A few enemies in either camp carry an abnormally high number of arrows or swords. The exact number seems to vary slightly, but this could be a good opportunity to get a lot of free better long-distance arrows as enemies normally spawn with much weaker arrows.
  • If you sleep inside the camp after killing any enemies, all of the bodies will have disappeared after Henry wakes up. However, any dropped weapons will still be on the ground.

Tips for Sabotage Objectives

  • There are five vials of Poison already in the camp in case you were not able to brew something in advance. There is one on a barrel in the back of the bandit camp, three in various easy chests in the Cuman camp, and one on a barrel in the stable building northeast of the Cuman camp.
    • The stable building is the same one with the easy chest containing a free Cuman disguise.
  • Highly recommended to raid with a powerful bow and arrows as most enemies in each camp only have body chainmail at most. Very few wear body plate or particularly strong helmets.
  • It appears that you do not get partial credit with these optional objectives, you must sabotage all four of each pot and arrow stash to affect the next quest.
  • It is possible to kill all the Cumans and return in a Cuman disguise without rousing the bandits' suspicion. Note that while the Cumans mostly patrol on their camp's side, there will usually be one or two guarding the western entrance with the bandits.
  • The gate to the church where Runt appears in the cutscene will sometimes stay open, apparently as a bug. If this happens, it is possible to scale the church completely and use it as a chokepoint against the entire camp, though you can't easily shoot down the ladders and can still be swarmed.
    • Aside from being a potential chokepoint, the church has a few baskets of food, but otherwise nothing of special interest.

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