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Siege is the twenty-fourth main quest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It begins automatically after the final cutscene in the previous quest Night Raid.


None of our attacks succeeded and Talmberg remained in Istvan's hands. Several camps sprung up around the castle and they all had to be got up and running.


  • Talk to Captain Robard.
  • (Optional) Ask the nearby charcoal burners if they have any pitch.
    • (Optional) Tell the quartermaster to send someone for pitch.
  • (Optional) Ask around the camp if anyone needs help.
  • (Optional) Talk to the quartermaster.
    • (Optional) There's not much meat in the camps — I could go and get some. (0/200)
    • (Optional) The camp is out of beer *(see notes) — I need to ask around the local taverns for some.
      • Tell the quartermaster about the beer.
  • (Optional) Talk to Sir Divish.
    • (Optional) Find a priest willing to go to Talmberg.
    • (Optional) Find a physician from the monastery to come to Talmberg.
  • (Optional) Talk to Captain Bernard
    • (Optional) Find out if some herbalist could brew up something to fend off sleep (Cockerel potion).
      • [If reputation with Herbalist of Talmberg is 70+]:
        • (Optional) Get enough mint. (/0/60)
        • (Optional) Get the valerian needed. (0/30)
        • (Optional) Get a some [sic] wormwood. (0/6)
          • (Optional) Wait until the potion is brewed.
            • (Optional) Get the brewed potion from the herb-woman.
              • (Optional) Take the potion back to the encampment.
      • [If reputation with Herbalist of Talmberg is <70]:
        • (Optional) Get the potions some other way. (0/60)
  • Talk to Sir Divish and prepare for the attack.
  • Talk to Captain Robard.
    • Find the northern encampment.
    • Find the western encampment.
    • Find the eastern encampment.


The objectives in Siege are comprised of doing the side quest Rocketeer for Master Feyfar and a bunch of optional objectives. If you complete all of the optional objectives you will earn the achievement/trophy Talmberger.

This quest goes much easier if you've successfully helped out everyone, so completionists will enjoy the advantage.

  • Helping Master Feyfar.
    • Helping Feyfar is the only set of mandatory objectives in Siege. To do so, you must complete the side quest Rocketeer. Once the side quest is complete, heading back t camp will begin an automatic cutscene, but not end the quest. Instead the Siege quest will update with an objective to wait for the trebuchet to be built. (This will take about 2 days.) Once the trebuchet is built, heading back to camp will begin an automatic cutscene sequence will start, and a series of new side quests will begin.
  • (Optional) Captain Robard suggests you get pitch from the local charcoal burners for the Quartermaster.
  • (Optional) Captain Bernard requested a brew to help the soldiers fend off sleep.
    • Go see Herbalist Gertrude between Talmberg and Uzhitz. Alternatively, Herbalist Kunhuta north of Ledetchko, Herbalist of Samopesh or Herbalist of Neuhof can also help you.
    • Your reputation with the Herbalist will determine how she helps you.
      • If you have a low reputation (<70), she will give you the Recipe for Cockerel Potion, but you will have to acquire the ingredients and brew all 60 potions by yourself.
        • The best way to do this is with the Alchemy perks Routine I and ideally Routine II, which allow you to make the Cockerel Potion once and then auto-brew 3 potions at a time for the price of 1.
        • If you do have these perks, you will actually be faster brewing all the potions yourself assuming you already have all the ingredients.
      • If you have a high reputation (70+), she will instead request that you collect 60 mint, 30 valerian and 6 wormwood. She will then give you a Pack of sleeping potions after some time brewing them (it takes around one day till she finishes).
        • Gertrude sells a small amount of all 3, but otherwise you will have to collect them all yourself or buy them from other shops. If you have the DLC From the Ashes and have finished building the Herb Garden for the Rathaus of Pribyslavitz, it contains a moderate amount of all 3 herbs.
        • Mint grows at the garden in the Sasau Monastery where you may have previously completed the quest Weeds. Wormwood grows in the grass on the other side of the dirt path. You will have to go here anyway to complete the objectives for Master Feyfar in Rocketeer.
        • Wormwood grows next to the Herb Woman's garden.
        • Wormwood and Valerian both grow on the northwestern hill just outside Talmberg Castle.
        • Valerian also grows along the east side of the river bank down the hill from where Sir Divish is camped, directly opposite the half-dead tree.
    • Reputation high.png TIPS FOR REPUTATION:
      • Potential reason for low reputation: If you killed anyone during the quest Playing with the Devil, do not choose the dialogue option "I was at the Uzhitz women's sabbath" or else Henry will tell her what happened and lose 6 reputation.
      • To increase reputation: Add items from her shop to your basket and then haggle, with the slider at the top for maximum reputation increase. The more valuable your purchase, the more your reputation will increase. (e.g. I received +9 reputation by haggling an offer in her favor for 5300 Prague Groschen.) Bonuses this way may be further increased with the Infamous perk.
      • The Talmberg woods have a spawn point on the way to Pribyslavitz where you may randomly encounter guards fighting bandits. Be careful if you want to intervene - the bandits are not flagged as hostiles/criminals until they start fighting with the guards. If you attack them while they're still talking, the guards will flag you as a criminal and try to arrest you, which will lower your reputation in the nearby area.
      • Gertrude shares some reputation with the other merchants in Uzhitz. So if you can't tip her anymore, try giving a lot of business to the Innkeeper of Uzhitz. Also make sure you don't rob wayfarers or villagers too close to Uzhitz.
  • (Optional) Sir Divish requests a priest and physician from the monastery in Sasau.
    • For a priest, speak with the Uzhitz priest Father Godwin, who can help with confessions and rites for the deceased. Alternatively, you could go to Rovna and speak with Father Simon - unlike Godwin, he will not be busy at certain times of the day and can be talked to whenever. Father Francis, former priest of Skalitz can also help you - he can be found in Sasau.
    • For a physician, speak with Brother Nicodemus at the infirmary in the Sasau Monastery, who can tend to the wounded.
    • Convincing Father Godwin/Francis/Simon and Brother Nicodemus to go to Talmberg will complete those objectives, but you can return to Sir Divish for a reputation increase and some groschen.
  • (Optional) The camp Quartermaster requests meat and beer (* see notes).
    • Any kind of meat will do. You can buy meat from shops or hunt game in nearby hunting spots. (e.g. hunting 2 roe deer or red deer or boar will suffice)
    • If you go to the inns in Samopesh and Ledetchko, both Innkeepers will say that don't have any beer that will last the journey to Talmberg. Only the Inn in the Glade has beer. Andrew will only donate beer if he gets something out of it, so you must pass a Speech or Intimidation check to convince him.

Andrew's Stats



5-7 8-11

After helping Master Feyfar in Siege and completing the optional objectives, the quest will stop progressing but not end, and you will have to complete the side quests Cold Steel, Hot Blood and Family Values.

After Family Values, another side quest An Oath is an Oath will begin, and the objectives for Siege will finally update again. After firing the trebuchet in An Oath is an Oath and speaking to Captain Robard, he will tell you that they will be bombarding the castle for a few days.

Right after speaking to Robard for An Oath is an Oath, speak to him again for Siege and he will tell you that some of Toth's soldiers have left the castle and escaped into the woods, and he fears that they may be planning to attack the encampments at the worst possible moment. He enlists Henry to scout for enemy encampments, but he doesn't have to kill anyone, just report back to Robard once he's found their locations.

There are 3 encampments Henry must find. There are 3 of Toth's men at each; killing them in not necessary to completing the objectives, as Robard said. The western encampment is on top of the hill; when you arrive 3 of your allies will already be there fighting 3 of Toths' men. Return to Robard when you're done and the quest will end.


  • Completing all of the optional objectives will grant you the achievement/trophy Talmberger.
  • If Andrew (the Innkeeper at The Inn in the Glade) was hung during the Gallows Brothers quest, then the Quartermaster will only ask for meat and not beer (apparently getting beer out of a dead man is beyond the powers of even the 'late game' Henry).
  • The Baths of Talmberg and the Inn of Talmberg are both unavailable during this quest.