Ordinary Routine

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Ordinary Routine is the first quest of the DLC A Woman's Lot in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. It is the first quest where the player gets to control Theresa, starting her telling of her side of the story of what happened before and during the Sack of Skalitz.

To start this quest, the DLC A Woman's Lot must be installed and activated, and the main quest Awakening must be completed. A new dialogue option with Theresa at the Rattay Mill appears ("How did you manage to survive?") to start the questline.

This quest will show you the basics of Theresa's gameplay and direct you to the next quests of the DLC.


Village life is no fairy-tale. You have to be on your feet from dawn till dusk.


  • Weed the garden.
  • Get the chicken feed. (0/1)
    • Feed the chickens.
  • (Optional) Look in the pantry.
  • Feed Tinker.
  • Talk to your father.
  • Go to the blacksmith for nails.
    • Talk to the blacksmith's wife.
  • (Optional) Get Zbyshek to go to work.
  • (Optional) Wake Samuel.
  • Find out what Bianca wants from you.
    • Bring beer to Henry.
      • (Optional) Go back to Bianca and find out what else she wants.
  • Find out what Johanka wants from you.
  • Go back to Father.
    • Talk to Stibor about the guard's visit.
  • Find out from Father what he has for you.


First Set of Chores

The quest starts with a cinematic showing Theresa waking up, greeting her dog, Tinker, and setting off to complete her first chores of the day before anyone else wakes up. She needs to:

  1. Weed the garden
  2. Feed the chickens
  3. Feed Tinker
Feeding Tinker a pice of meat

First, head inside the mill, Theresa's house, to find the pantry where you can pick up a piece of meat for the dog, then head into the main room to find the chicken feed on your left.

Head outside now but don't go too far, or Father will wake up and scold Theresa for every uncompleted chore (reputation -5Reputation low.png with Father). Tinker is never far away so interact with him and feed him with the meat. Then a few steps away you will find the chickens, feed them as well. Finally, another few steps away is the garden, where you have to pick up weeds until there are 2 or less left to complete the objective. Doing so rewards Theresa with a bonus 32 herbalism exp, enough to reach level 3.

It is now time to go back to Father. If you complete all your tasks, he gives Theresa a hefty 40 Prague Groschen for the nails and a little something at the market. However, if you botched the chores, he only gives Theresa 20 Prague Groschen for the nails, and no pocket money. You are now tasked to wake Samuel up, have Zbyshek go to work and fetch the nails from the blacksmith.

Last thing before you go, Father tells Theresa he has a surprise for her this evening, which she can be inquisitive about in a skill check:

Father's stats
link=First Aid {{{firstaid}}}

Success: Reputation Reputation high.png +5 with Father
Failure: Reputation Reputation low.png -5 with Father

Second Set of Chores

Zbyshek doesn't want to work, as always

This second set of chores is simple, Theresa must:

  1. Wake Samuel up
  2. Convince Zbyshek to get to work
  3. Fetch the nails from the blacksmith

If you go too far away from the house without waking Samuel or persuading Zbyshek to work, the optional objectives will fail.

You can have a quick chat with your eldest brother, Stibor, as he climbs down the ladder from the room where the siblings sleep, then head up the very same ladder to wake Samuel up.

Now head outside, by the chicken coop, to find Zbyshek leaning against a wall. As usual he is bad-tempered and doesn't want to work. He feels that he is treated like a dog and that he is an outcast for the family (which is reasonable considering that he sleeps outside). Theresa needs to convince him to go to work:

Zbyshek's stats
link=First Aid {{{firstaid}}}
0 12

Success: Zbyshek goes to work (objective completed)
Failure: Zbyshek doesn't go to work (objective failed)
The peddlar who heals all that ails you

No matter if you succeed or fail to persuade him, time to go inside Skalitz, near the castle, to get the nails. From the mill you can either take the concealed path used by Henry at the start of Run!, or take a slightly longer route around the town and pass through the eastern gate. If you decide to take the main road, you will soon come across a groom and a scholar having a pointless argument which you can settle for them after a little chat. If you decide to explore Skalitz and its outskirts you will find many NPCs to chat with, like you did with the groom and the scholar.

Further, past Johanka's house you will find the Ointment Peddler, who sells herbs and potions, but most importantly, he can fully heal Theresa for 10 Prague Groschen. If you ever get hurt, he is the best remedy around.

You can stop by at the market to buy and sell a few things if you want, you can talk to a lot of the Skalitz folk as well. Beran's wife will give you a summary of all the gossip in town, but you can go and seek other people out as well.

No matter how you arrive at the forge, it is empty, the blacksmith is nowhere to be seen. Talk to his wife to learn his whereabouts. She tells Theresa that Martin is forging a sword for Sir Radzig Kobyla, he is at the castle today, and because Henry does not help him as much as he should, the nails are not ready. Theresa is told to come back tomorrow. On the other hand, she also learns that Bianca and Johanka have been looking for her.

Third Set of Chores

The third and final set of chores for this quest can prove a lot tidier to complete than the previous six. Theresa must:

  1. Talk to Bianca - This starts the side quest, Cry Wolf!.
  2. Talk to Johanka - This starts the side quest, Matchmaker.
  3. Return to Father - This starts the main quest, The Family Silver.

Once again, you are free to do these in any order you want, and note that you only have to talk to Bianca and Johanka to continue, their quests are optional. However you must complete The Family Silver to progress in Ordinary Routine.

Practice the sword with Henry

First, go talk with Bianca at the tavern since she is the closest to you. She tells you that Henry is practising his swordsman skills at the training ground, and because it is very hot today - and because she can't leave the tavern - she asks Theresa to bring him a beer. You will find him wavering a wooden sword on his own like he means it. Give him the beer, and then either tell him it is from Bianca (nothing happens) or from you (reputation boostReputation high.png). He has no one to spar with, since Vanyek is sleeping yesterday's drinking, he propose for Theresa to be his opponent. Even if you decline, his offer still stands for as long as the quest is not completed.

Theresa hurts Henry at swordplay

Starting the friendly match starts the micro-quest Swordplay and Theresa is given a wooden training sword. The rules are simple: the first one to hit the other 10 times wins. You will quickly notice that neither Henry nor Theresa are very good at this, and beating him if you want to should not be too hard. At the end of the little spar, you get the achievement Death by Splinter, as well as a short cinematic where Theresa nearly explicitly shows her crush on Henry when bandaging his hand.

Note: At the end of the little scene you get some bonus experience: 140 strength exp; 32 agility exp; 32 vitality exp; 20 defence exp; 15 warfare exp and 20 sword exp.

It is now time to head back to Bianca, she needs you to do something else. First, tell her what happened with Henry, or not, you get a reputation boost Reputation high.png either way. She now needs you to accompany her to the woods so that she can gather belladonna to brew some Saviour Schnapps for Henry. This starts the side quest Cry Wolf!.

For a complete walk-through of Cry Wolf! see here.

It is now time to go and see Johanka, who stays just outside the village, near the Ointment peddlar. Once again, this is about boys, Matthias this time. She wants you to steal Matthias' lucky dice so that she can give it back to him and ask to go dancing this evening at the same time. This starts the side quest Matchmaker. This is an occasion for Theresa to get lockpicks and a unique die.

For a complete walk-through of Matchmaker, see here.
Janek and Joroslav have a word with Father

Now that the two optional side quests are taken care of, time to hit the unavoidable main quest The Family Silver, for that, head back to Father. When you arrive, he will be discussing about some stolen silver with Janek and Jaroslav, two city guards. When they finally walk away, talk to him to learn that Father, like the other millers, is somehow involved in underhanded business, and Theresa must save the day. This starts the main quest The Family Silver.

For a complete walk-through of The Family Silver, see here.

Once The Family Silver has been completed, and you have talked to your two friends, the last objective of this long quest is unlocked. Go back to Father and ask him about the surprise he has for you. He reveals that he had a special dress made in Sasau for you, and that he promised your hand in marriage to the old engineer master, Tobias Feyfar. The dance in the evening is not just a show-off of his wealth as Hannes said, but a feast for you to meet your future husband.

The quest ends after asking confirmation that you want to go to the dance, which will fail all uncompleted quests and objectives. A cutscene plays and the next quest, Unexpected Visit begins.

Quest Log

Weed the garden.
Vegetables from your own garden always taste best, but they won't grown well if the garden is chocked with weeds. I have to pull them.

Completed: Vegetables from your own garden always taste best and now I've weeded the garden, they'll grow better.
Failed: Vegetables from your own garden always taste best. It needs weeding though... but that can wait a while.

Get the chicken feed. (0/1)
Hungry hens won't lay. I should feed them. I left the bag of chicken feed in the hearth room by the window.

Completed: Hungry hens won't lay, so I took a bag of chicken feed from the house so I could feed them.
Failed: Hungry hens won't lay. It's a pity I didn't find some feed for them.
Feed the chickens.
The chickens are in the courtyard waiting to be fed.
Completed: The chickens were in the courtyard waiting to be fed, and they were happy to fill their beaks.
Failed:The chickens ware in the courtyard waiting to be fed. Unfortunately I didn't have time for that.

(Optional) Look in the pantry.
Tinker loves to get a nice piece of meat. I'll have to look in the pantry to see what I can find.

Completed: Tinker loves to get a nice piece of meat. I looked into the pantry to see what I could find.

Feed Tinker.
Tinker is used to getting fed every morning and today is no exception. I have to feed him as usual.

Completed: Tinker is used to getting fed every morning, so I gave him something to eat.
Failed: Tinker is used to getting fed every morning, but I haven't given him anything to eat.

Talk to your father.
Papa is up and about. I should ask him if he need anything.

Completed: I talked to Papa, and he wants me to run quite a few errands this morning.

Go to the blacksmith for nails.
Pa has nails ordered from the blacksmith and he sent me to pick them up. The forge is right below the castle.

Talk to the blacksmith's wife.
Pa sent me to the blacksmith to pick up some nails he had ordered, but there's no one at the forge. I should ask the blacksmith's wife if she knows anything.

(Optional) Get Zbyshek to go to work.
As usual, Zbyshek is in no hurry to get to work. Pa wants me to chase him.

Completed: As usual, Zbyshek is in no hurry to get to work, but I managed to talk him into it.
Failed: As usual, Zbyshek is in no hurry to get to work, and there's nothing I can do about it. Pa will just have to deal with that idler himself.

(Optional) Wake Samuel.
Samuel is till sleeping and he should already be on his way to work at the mines. I'd better go and wake him so he doesn't get into trouble. Again.

Completed: Samuel wasn't keep to get out of bed this morning, but I woke him and sent him on his way. He already has the reputation of an idler, and arriving late certainly won't help.
Failed: Samuel was still sleeping when I left. I didn't wake him so I hope he gets up on time for work. The foreman has already been complaining about him.

Find out what Bianca wants from you.
The innkeeper's daughter Bianca was asking for me. I could go to the tavern and find out what she wants this time. Knowing her, it'll have something to do with Henry.

Completed: Bianca was asking for me. I went to the tavern to see her and we discussed what she wanted. Naturally, it was about Henry again.
Bring beer to Henry.
Henry is working up a sweat at the stockade training swordfighting. Bianca would like to bring him a beer, but she can't leave the tavern, so I promised to help her out.
Completed: Henry is working up a sweat at the stockade training swordfighting. Bianca wanted to bring him a beer, but she couldn't leave the tavern, so I did it for her.
(Optional) Go back to Bianca and find out what else she wants.
I took the beer as Bianca wanted, but she wants something else as well. I have to go and see her as soon as I can.
Completed: Bianca wanted me to come back after bringing the beer to Henry. I did what she asked and went back to see what else she wanted.

Find out what Johanka wants from you.
I was told my friend Johanka was looking for me. I should go and see what she wants.

Completed My friend Johanka was asking around the village about me. I went to her to find out what she needed.

Go back to Father.
Papa has nails ordered from the blacksmith, Martin. But he wasn't at the forge when I went there. He's at the castle, talking to Sir Radzig about the sword he's forging for him. I should tell Papa the nails won't be done until tomorrow.

Talk to Stibor about the guard's visit.
Pa was as nervous as a squirrel when some came around asking about stolen silver. He wants me to go and tell Stibor about it. It looks like the pair of them are somehow mixed up in it. And no doubt I'll have to save their bacon.
Completed Pa and Stibor got themselves into a tricky situation due to stolen silver. Fortunately, we managed to avoid more serious trouble.


  • If you fail the first five botch able shores (feed the chickens, feed Tinker, weed the garden, wake Samuel up and persuade Zbyshek to work) you will get the achievement Bad Girl.
  • If you spar with Henry you will get the achievement Death by Splinter.


  • During this quest, the time is stuck at 8:00 am until you talk with Henry's mother, the time is then stuck at 10 am.
  • There is quite a lot of Prague Groschen in trunks around Theresa's house, and taking part in archery contests with the archery master can also yield a decent amount of coin.
  • To boost Theresa's charisma you can do the following:
  • Don't forget about the bard potion to boost Theresa's speech.
  • You can play the gambler at Farkle, he has 107 Prague Groschen to lose.
  • Theresa cannot stray too far away from Skalitz, but she has access to some interesting sites and accidents with good loot:


  • Theresa' starting inventory is: 37 Prague Groschen; Lady's slippers; Mother's necklace; Nightgown; 3 Saviour Schnapps and a Simple surcotte (brown and white).
  • There are quite a lot of named NPCs with whom Theresa can talk to, in order to get some backstory information and lore, they are:
    • Alex - tavern, about the The Conquest of Kuttenberg
    • Antonia - roaming Skalitz, about her sick husband
    • The Beggar - north gate, his situation mirrors that of the Skalitz refugees
    • Beran's wife - roaming Skalitz, offers gossip about a lot of people
    • Charlatan - near potter Stanislav (North of Skalitz), speaks gibberish as usual and sells the Map to Skalitz treasure
    • The Deutsch - tavern, about Sigismund of Luxembourg and Wenceslas IV of Bohemia.
    • The Deutsch's wife - her house, about the Rattay Tourney
    • Fritz - at his work, about the dance in the evening
    • The Groom and scholar - on the road, having a pointless argument
    • Hannes - working the fields, about the dance in the evening
    • Holba - near the mill, about Samuel's lazyness
    • Jane - roaming Skalitz, complaining about the beggar
    • Jarmila - roaming Skalitz, about the Scholar and about Maidens' War
    • Kornelius - near the tavern, about Father's money
    • Kunesh - at his house, about his missing wife
    • Maruna - roaming Skalitz, about the Charlatan
    • Pickman - roaming Skalitz, about how he got his nickname
    • Potter Stanislav - at his workshop (North of Skalitz) - does not want to chit-chat
    • Rock - roaming Skalitz, about his sick wife
    • Tonda - roaming Skalitz, about his strength
    • Vincent - roaming Skalitz, about marriage
    • unnamed Woodcutter - grave north of Skalitz, about his dead son
    • Woodcutter Julian - woodcutter's camp, just some chit-chat