What Price Honour?

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What Price Honour? is the fifth sub-quest in the Kingdom Come: Deliverance DLC, Band of Bastards.


I know where Hagen is going to be and what he's planning. Now the question is, how to deal with it? There will be no end to the chaos as long as Hagen is obsessed with his insane feud with Sir Radzig.


  • Defeat Hagen's men
  • Report to Sir Radzig


Upon returning to the band's camp after dealing with Jakey in Thirty Pieces, inform Kuno about what was learned about Hagen Zoul's intent to attack Samopesh. Kuno will ask what happened to the traitorous Jakey and will commend Henry if he was killed, and get angry if he was left alive, even moreso if he was let go. If Henry reveals that Hagen intends to bribe Kuno, he can sternly remind the mercenary that Radzig has his oath, a fact that Kuno will begrudingly accept. The band soon rides out to meet the enemy.

During a cutscene, they come upon a group waving the flag of Zoul, intending to parley. Kuno agrees and leads the group to the meeting. Hagen Zoul himself steps forward and reminisces about the past with Kuno before extending his offer of a hefty sum of silver in exchange for betraying Radzig Kobyla. Henry steps forward to keep Kuno on the right path.

  • Let Kuno go
  • Pass a speech check (warning: this option is buggy and sometimes, even if Henry has good reputation with Kuno's band, it will fail)
  • Bribe Kuno yourself (you must have at least 15k Groschen to succeed; with the Final Offer perk, this can be lowered, at the least, to around 11k-12k)
  • Remind Kuno of his promise (available only if Jakey was untied and let go, and Kuno was told about the bribe before the battle) (unlocks the Mercenary's Honour achievement)

If the bribery, speech check or reminder option is taken (and presumably Henry maintains a high reputation with Kuno's band), the mercenary refuses the House of Zoul's offer and a battle between both groups ensues.

If Kuno is left to make his own choice, then he does end up accepting the offer and betraying Radzig. He takes the silver and his men and rides off. Hagen kindly offers Henry the chance to flee back to Radzig alive, but the man-at-arms affirms his loyalty to his liege lord and challenges him to a duel. While obsessed over killing Radzig, Hagen shows he is still a man of honor and instructs his men not to harm Henry should he be killed. A one-one-one begins. He wears the Zoul armour (one of, if not the best in game) so it is a difficult battle, but if your stats are high, then he can be beaten. (Do not pull out your bow or the entire company will attack you.) The armour and shield can then be looted from him. Then return to Pirkstein and inform Radzig of Hagen Zoul's defeat (and potentially Kuno's betrayal).

There is a third scenario whether you fight with or without Kuno. If at any point during the ensuring fight, in a group or in a duel, if Henry runs or uses his horse to get a certain distance away from Hagen Zoul, then the objective immediately changes to informing Radzig. Return to Rattay and Henry will lament that he was forced to run away, again, but Radzig comforts him and reassures him it was a wise choice (though the complete loss of Kuno's band will be a downer). This scenario ends the same way in either case, as Radzig states that he will arrange a political incident elsewhere that will force Hagen Zoul to withdraw from the region, albeit with the likelihood that once it's resolved, the man might return.


  • There is a chance for one of Hagen Zoul's mercenaries to carry 6k Groschen that can be looted after killing him.
  • It is recommended not to complete The Ring of Bacchus until after this quest is completed, as doing so allows for you to be aware if any of Kuno's men or Kuno himself are killed during the battle since that will automatically fail the quest, in turn telling you to load a previous save and save everyone.
  • If Kuno or any of his men are wounded during the battle, it is possible for them to die from bleeding while walking back to camp. This can be avoided by fast traveling away immediately after the battle which will cause them to be reset to full health.
  • It is possible for all 6 men to leave the battle alive. One of the best strategies is running behind the enemies and hacking at their backs till they're dead. It will be easier if they're facing off with one of the Bastards.
  • If you loot their camp, they will fight this battle with bare hands, so dont do that.