Kingdom Come: Deliverance keys

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance keys
Trunks and Doors Keys.png
Item information
Technical information

Keys unlock trunks or house doors. They can be obtained either by looting chests, corpses, knocking out a passerby using stealth and looting their unconscious bodies, or by pickpocketing them. However, if a guard finds you with someone else's keys, he will confiscate them.

If stealing the key isn't an option, you can try picking the lock.

Not all the keys have a corresponding lock: sometimes you will find useless keys and locks that have to be picked.

There are a lot of keys in the game: 221 generic door keys, 212 generic trunk keys and a few keys with a unique name that do no stack with the others.

Unique keys

Unique keys
Name Related Quest Weight kg dk.png Prague Groschen
Trunks and Doors Keys.png Bandit's trunk key At Your Service, My Lady 0 0.1
Key.png Barn key Questions and Answers 0 0
Key.png Borya's key All that Glisters 0 0
Key.png Custodian's house key Rocketeer 0 0
Key.png Equipment trunk key Thick as Thieves - Woyzeck 0 0
Trunks and Doors Keys.png Erik's trunk keys The Die is Cast 0 0
Key.png Feyfar's trunk key Rocketeer 0 0
Key.png Inquisitor's keys dlc The Madonna of Sasau 0 0
Key.png Key All that Glisters 0 0
- Key (unimplemented) - 0 0
Key.png Key from barn Lost in Translation 0 0
Key.png Key to baths - 0 0
Key.png Key to chruch steeple - 0 0
Key.png Key to forbidden books Several 1 2 3 0 0
Key.png Key to Heinz's chest Money for Old Rope 0 0
Key.png Key to Nichola's trunk Henry the Master Huntsman 0 0
Key.png Key to Sasau Church If You Can't Beat 'em 0 0
Key.png Key to shed Damsel in Distress 0 0
Key.png Kunesh's keys Unexpected Visit 0 0
Key.png Matthias' trunk key dlc Matchmaker 0 0
Key.png Monastery key Several 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 0
Key.png Potter's house key dlc Angel of Mercy 0 0
Key.png Pirkstein armoury key Payback 0 0
Key.png Rattay secret door key - 0 0
Key.png Scribe Friedrich's study key Money for Old Rope 0 0
Key.png Sir Erhart's chest key dlc Game of Throws 0 0
Key.png Sir Hans Capon's keys Next to Godliness 0 0
Key.png Trunk key (Old Whore) A Woman Scorned 0 0

Door keys

Door keys unlock doors.

Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Deutsch's house Deutsch Deutsch's wife Hannes /
Kunesh's house Kunesh /
Skalitz Trader
Skalitz Tailor
Skaltiz Blacksmith
Mary's Father
Mary's Mother
Johanka (before attack)
Charcoal-burner Havel
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Brother Porter /
Karel /
Custodian's House Urban
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Bathhouse Proprietor (Sasau) /
One of the Sasau Bathmaids
Tailor of Sasau /
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Bathhouse Proprietor of Rattay
One of the Bathmaids of Rattay /
One of the Bathmaids of Rattay /
Rattay Parish Priest
Blacksmith's House Blacksmith ???
Weaponsmith's Storeroom Hard
  • Other
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Andrew /

Trunk keys

Trunk keys unlock trunks.

Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Deutsch's house Deutsch Deutsch's wife Hannes /
Kunesh's house Kunesh Easy
Skalitz Trader
Skalitz Tailor
Skalitz Blacksmith
Mary's Father
Mary's Mother
Johanka (before attack)
Charcoal-burner Havel
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Brother Porter /
Brother Elias /
Brother Nicodemus
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Bathhouse Proprietor (Sasau) /
One of the Sasau Bathmaids
Tailor of Sasau /
Charlatan's House Unlocked
Charlatan's House Easy
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Mill's Storage Room /
Mill's Barn /
Mill's Kitchen
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Location of Trunk Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Bathhouse Proprietor of Rattay
One of the Bathmaids of Rattay /
One of the Bathmaids of Rattay /
Rattay Parish Priest
Trunk in Peshek's Room Easy
Cupboard in Henry's Room Easy
Trunk in Swordsmith's First

Bedroom (1)

Trunk in Swordsmith's First Bedroom (2) Easy
Trunk in Swordsmith's Second Bedroom (1) Hard
Trunk in Swordsmith's Second Bedroom (2) Very Hard

Trunk in Swordsmith's Storage Room (1)

Trunk in Swordsmith's Storage Room (2)

Trunk in Blacksmith's First Bedroom Blacksmith of Samopesh ???
Trunk in Blacksmith's Second Bedroom Very Hard
Trunk in Blacksmith's Storeroom Very Hard
  • Other
Unlocks Key Holders Lockpicking Lvl.
Andrew /


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