Random event

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Random events are different encounters that you can come across around the map in set places. They are not guaranteed to spawn everytime, and dont spawn the same event everytime. The events you come across Fast traveling are also random events.

Some random events can spawn NPCs wearing Clothes, Armour and Weapons not found anywhere else in the game, others can spawn NPCs selling Treasure maps or Dice. And the Riddler carries a different random assortment of Dice every time he spawns.

Look in Trader (Part of Random event) if you are looking for specific Items.

Types of Random events:

On the Roads:


  • "You've been ambushed by an unknown armed man. Defend yourself or flee!"
    • You will be ambushed by Cumans, Bandits, Peasant-Bandits, or Drunk-Bandits once you pass a spot on the road.
      • Can also spawn an obstacle blocking the road
    • The ambushers might have one or more Dogs with them.

Armed Man

  • "You've been accosted on the way by a man-at-arms who wants something from you. It's hard to guess what his intentions are, since there are all sorts of people to be met on the roads nowadays"
    • You will be approached by a Footpad and told to surrender, he can be a Cuman, Bandit, Drunk-Bandit, or Peasant-Bandit.
      • If you surrender you will be told to give up all your money, you can:
        • Accept and give up all your Groschen
        • Negotiate to give up only half you Groschen (Speech skill check)
        • Lie that you allies nearby (Charisma skill check)
        • Intimidate the Footpads (Strength skill check)
        • Refuse, which will lead to you being attacked
      • If you flee the Footpad instead if surrendering, you will be attacked by the Footpad and his accomplices, if he has any.


  • You can come across a beggar who will beg for Food, Money, or Rags.
  • Can spawn as many different variations.

Carcass on the Road

  • You can come across a dead body or killed animal.
  • The body can be a Villager or a Trader
  • The animal can be a roe deer
  • There will be a Murderer or Innocent bystander nearby ready to accuse you if you touch the carcass
  • There can be a murder weapon hidden nearby in a spot covered in blood


  • "On the way, you came across a corpse. It's not clear who the killer was, but thus certainly smells like trouble"
    • You can come across a corpse on the road.
      • You will be ambushed by Cumans, Bandits, Drunk-Bandits, or Peasant-Bandits once you approach the corpse.


  • You will be ambushed by Cumans once you approach a spot on the road.

Faint-hearted Knight

  • You will come across a nervous Knight who wants to challege you to a duel.
  • You can convince him to duel for a wager:

Lost Trader

  • You will come across a lost trader who will ask for directions to the nearest Town or Village


  • You can come across a mercenary standing at a crossroad.
  • He will challenge you to a duel.
  • Can spawn as many different variations.


  • "You see an obstacle blocking the way, fortunately before anything happened. It could be an accident, but who knows?"
    • You will come across an obstacle across the road, once you jump over the obstacle or go around it, you will be ambushed by Cumans, Bandits, Drunk-Bandits or Peasant-Bandits
    • The obstacle comes in many variations:
      • Fallen tree across the road
      • Broken wagon blocking the road
      • Barricade blocking the road


  • "On your way, you've happened upon a band of armed peasants who look rater angry. Hopefully they'll be open to discussing things peacefully",
  • "On your way, you've happened upon a band of armed peasants. What could they be up to?"
    • You will be ambushed by Peasant-Bandits once you approach a spot on the road.



  • "You see corpses on the road and in the distance hear the clash of weapons and cries of aggresion and fear. It seems someone's been ambushed"
    • You can come across a battle between two faction.
    • The player can join in the battle and help one faction or just watch it unfold.
      • The battle can contain these any of these factions: Bandits, Cumans, Traders, or local region Guards
        • Up to three factions can be spawn as a part of the battle. Two alive opposing factions fighting each other, and a third faction as dead bodies littering the battle ground.
          • A skirmish spot between Broken Wheel Inn and Neuhof is glitched and can spawn any faction against any faction, so you can come across Guards holding up Bandits, and you will be commit a crime if you decide to help the Guards since the Bandits will be non-hostile, since they are considered the victims in that case.
    • If the player gets to close to a skirmish between Cumans and Bandits. They might stop attacking each other and instead attack the player.
    • If the skirmish involves local guards (Rattay yellow, Talmberg red, Sasau green) do not engage directly. Stand around until you are attacked, else you may be charged with murder. If you still get challenged by the guards (some skirmishes are glitched) then you will have no other option than to kill them, unless you fancy a lengthy stint in prison.


  • "Along the way, you heard muffled noises from the nearby undergrowth. Undoubtedly someone is up to no good."
    • You will be ambushed by Cumans, or Peasant-Bandits hiding in the bushes nearby.


In the woods:


  • You will come across a woman begging for food next to a ruined house.
    • She claims cumans torched her house and killed her husband, so she is left begging for food.
  • You can help her by giving her Food, or a few Groschen
    • If you helped her you might gain positive Reputation, given you dont already have max reputation in the area.
  • You can say you would like to help but you have nothing.
  • You can refuse to help her


  • You will come across a Huntsman protecting the woods, he will jog up to you and ask to search you for poached game.
    • If you refuse he will try to arrest you.
    • You can submit to the search, and as long you dont have poached game you are free to go.
      • He does not check for stolen items, only poached game.
    • You can try to bribe him to not search you.
    • If you have are the Huntsman of Talmberg and have the perk Gamekeeper Rules the Woods. You will unlock a previously unavailable option to tell the gamekeeper that you are the new huntsman.
      • He will apologize and tell you that of course you are free to go.
  • Can spawn as many different variations.


  • You will come across a mercenary who will challenge you to a duel.
    • Can spawn as many different variations.
    • Doesnt seem to be different to the mercenary's that spawn on the roads.
  • Set spawn In a Small hut next to a Nest in a unmarked Charcoal-Burners Camp, the Camp is East of Skalitz and North-West of Rovna, next to a stream.


  • You can come across someone who is stealing game in various poachers camps around the map.
  • They will either tell you to move along, or offer to trade in poached game with you.
    • They will attack if you dont move along when told to.
  • A dead animal spawns nearby that can be looted.
    • If they are offering to trade the dead animal can be looted, and the meat sold to the poacher.

Inside Towns and Villages:

Convict in a Pillory

  • You can come across a convict locked in the towns stocks for punishment on the Towns or Villages Pillory.
    • He is a Townsman NPC.
      • He wears Brown tunic, Red hose(69/58 variant), and Slippers.
        • He can only be looted by running him over with a Horse until he dies. Otherwise he can not be pickpocketed, knocked out, attacked, or stealth killed
  • He will beg you for something to drink.
    • You can give him any drink.
      • If choose you help the convict you might gain positive Reputation, given you dont already have max reputation in the area.
  • He might be guarded by a Executioner who is also a Townsman NPC.
    • The executioner wears the same clothes Hermann.


  • You can come across a Priest preaching against the Catholic Church.
  • You can talk to him the first time you run across him.
    • You can get positive Reputation if you choose a certain option in dialogue with him.


  • You can come across a old woman offering to read your future.
    • The futures she tells you are vague and non specific.
    • You can accept her offer, decline her, or just ignore her.
      • She will ask for payment after she is done, you can pay or refuse.

Stolen goods inspection

  • A Guard will come stop you, and ask to inspect your inventory and Horses inventory for Stolen goods
  • If you dont comply you will be breaking the law, and the Guards will try to arrest you, and if you dont surrender eventually you will be attacked by Guards


  • You can come across someone yelling "Thief" and chasing after a Bandit
  • You can get positive Reputation if you choose to help, and a small Groschen reward
  • The loot the bandit has stolen can be:


On the Roads:

Around Skalitz and Northern Mines:

Skirmish(Can contain up to three factions out of all available factions: Bandits, Cumans, Traders, or Talmberg Guards)
  • Inside the remains of Ruined Skalitz
Ambush/Corpse/Snare(Cumans or Bandits)
  • Following the road North-East from Skalitz, East of Treasure XXIII location
  • Next to a Shrine on the crossroad between Skalitz, Rovna and Pribyslavitz
  • Between two ponds South of Treasure Map IX
  • Crossroad between Skalitz and Rovna
  • Following the road South from the Ore processing yard, near an Interesting site

Around the Southern Skalitz Mines:

Skirmish(Can contain up to three factions out of all available factions: Bandits, Cumans, Traders, or Sasau Guards)
  • North of Treasure XVI location, near a crossroad that heads East past a Bandit camp that is a part of the Activity Interlopers
  • In an Interesting site containing a ruined house, at the end of a unmarked path West of a Shrine. South of Treasure Map XXI, and North of a Interesting site that can spawn a Gamekeeper
  • On a road that cuts through some bushes with old fallen log on the side of the road. North of a Grave, thats East of a Bandit camp that is a part of the Activity Interlopers
  • At the turn in the road north of a nearby smoking camp, shown on the map. Along the stream from Rovna to Sasau River

Around Pribyslavitz:

Ambush/Corpse/Snare(Cumans or Bandits)

Around Uzhitz:

  • North-East of Uzhitz, on a bend in the road following East from a Shrine
  • North-East of Uhzitz, next to the lower log bridge over the stream that runs into the lake
  • Next to a pond West of the Bauer Estate
  • Near a Woodland garden just West of the Northern Farm, from the Robber Baron quest
  • First crossroad following the road West from Uzhitz Windmill
Carcass on the Road
  • On the crossroad between Stables of Uzhitz and the Northern Farm, from the Robber Baron quest
  • North of Uzhitz Windmill, next to a Nest
  • On the road that runs through the woods, between the campsite from quest The Prey and the Bauer Estate, West of a Deer hunting spot

Around Talmberg:

Around Merhojed:

Around Samopesh:

  • Between a Beehive and a Shrine, on the road that runs from Samopesh to Merhojed along the wooded stream. South of Kolben farm

Around Sasau and Monastery:

Skirmish(Can contain up to three factions out of all available factions: Bandits, Cumans, Traders, or Sasau Guards)
Around Vranik:
  • On the bridge over the stream that runs from Vranik woods into the Sasau River, North-East of Vranik
  • A crossroad with a Shrine, deep in the Vranik woods, South-West of Vranik

Around Ledetchko:


Around Neuhof:


Around Rattay:

Skirmish(Can contain up to three factions out of all available factions: Bandits, Cumans, Traders, or Rattay Guards)
  • On the road beteen Rattay Tanner and Gallows Hill, next to a Interesting Site near a turn in the road
  • South of Rattay on a road in the woods, between a Shrine and a Interesting site
    • Another ambush spot on a road between the same Interesting site, and a Grave further South into the woods
  • Crossroad East of Broken Wheel Inn South of an Interesting site next to a pond with a hut
Carcass on the Road
  • East of Broken Wheel Inn on the path that goes through the trees, next to an Interesting site next to a pond with a hut
  • On a crossroad on the opposite side of river of the Mill of Kohelnitz

In the woods:


  • In an Interesting Site North of Neuhof following a path North from a small shack where an old couple live
  • In an Interesting Site closest to a smoking Camp shown on the map, the Camp is West of Talmberg and North of Merhojed, and has Talmberg Guards living in it.
  • In an Interesting Site located inside a small cave North of a Boar Hunting Spot, that is East of Pribyslavitz(Can spawn a Poacher who trades in poached game instead)
  • In an Interesting Site in a confluence between Sasau river and the stream that flows along the North-Western edge of the map. West of Treasure XVI location

Poacher that will tell you to move along

Poacher that will Sell and Buy poached game

  • In an Interesting Site located inside a small cave North of a Boar Hunting Spot, that is East of Pribyslavitz(Can spawn a Poacher who trades in poached game instead)
  • In an Interesting Site in the woods South-East of a Conciliation Cross, the Cross is on a crossroad on the road from Rovna to Talmberg

Beggar begging for food near a ruined house

Mercenary who will challenge you to a duel

Inside Towns and Villages:




  • None found so far


  • Convict being punished in a Pillory
  • Preacher
  • Thief


  • None found so far


  • None found so far


  • Thief


  • Thief


  • Skirmish, only available after starting Awakening

Rovna, Vranik and Pribyslavitz

  • There are no random events inside these places