Kingdom Come: Deliverance books

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Books and Libraries is a General Codex entry in Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Books can be read to learn skills (skill books) or the history and lore of the area. There are also books that are associated with quests, dubbed quest documents.

See also the codex, and Treasure Maps.

Codex Codex entry

Collecting and preserving written records goes back to ancient times, but the barbarians who sacked Rome in the 5th century destroyed a great many, so a lot of rare manuscripts have only been preserved indirectly, via the Arab world.

Various materials were used to write on: pieces of fabric, papyrus or vellum (fine animal leather). Parchment was expensive and was therefore used primarily for codices and deeds of privilege, due to its significantly longer lifespan. The most widely used material was paper. The writing implements used included the quill pen, engraver, brush or reed cane, charcoal and chalk sticks.

The transcription of books was the monks' domain. Each book was unique, carefully decorated, the text enriched with bounteous illuminations, all done by hand. The production of a book took many years, making them very expensive. Major works of that time came into being in Latin, but during the Middle Ages some literature began to appear in the respective national languages. Books were very heavy (so as to be hard to steal), and contained a great many pages. Although there were some miniature handbook formats, too, there were books so massive that they couldn't be carried by one man.

Not only because of thier value, but to protect them from destruction, important writings were often kept in chests or cabinets. Only later did 'libraries' come into being, where the volumes would be tethered to the reading desk by a chain.

Libraries were needed by administrative offices and places of learning, especially universities. The largest collections were to be found at the Sorbonne, Oxford and University of Prague, where there were books donated by Emperor Charles IV himself. Notable members of the nobility or the church also boasted private collections, despite the fact that not all of them could read.

Codex closing image.png

Skill books

Skill Books
Icon Title Skill Learned Min. Lvl How to Obtain
Agile as a Weasel.png Agile as a Weasel Agility 0 Beat the fistfighters in Uzhitz
Agile as a Weasel.png Agile as a Weasel II Agility >5 Archery master in Rattay.
Agile as a Weasel.png Agile as a Weasel III Agility >10 Loot from King of Cumans brawler in Skalitz fight ring
Agile as a Weasel.png Agile as a Weasel IV Agility >15 Treasure map XIII
Basic horse-riding skills.png Basic horse-riding skills Horsemanship 0 Johann
Basic horse-riding skills.png Basic horse-riding skills II Horsemanship >5 Head Groom
Basic horse-riding skills.png Basic horse-riding skills III Horsemanship >10 House on north side of Neuhof stables, next to courtyard where Zora sits. On a shelf near cooking pot
Basic horse-riding skills.png Basic horse-riding skills IV Horsemanship >15 Treasure map XX
Grasses and Herbs.png Grasses and Herbs Herbalism 0 Herbalist of Samopesh
Grasses and Herbs.png Grasses and Herbs II Herbalism >5 Herbalist of Neuhof
Grasses and Herbs.png Grasses and Herbs III Herbalism >10 Gertrude
Grasses and Herbs.png Grasses and Herbs IV Herbalism >15 Treasure map V
Hercules and his Diet.png Hercules and His Diet Strength 0 Armoursmith of Rattay
Hercules and his Diet.png Hercules and His Diet II Strength >5 Konrad Hagen
Hercules and his Diet.png Hercules and His Diet III Strength >10 Loot from King of Cumans brawler in Skalitz fight ring
Hercules and his Diet.png Hercules and His Diet IV Strength >15 Treasure map XXV, as a reward from Kuno for helping him to get the ring of Bacchus. Band of Bastards DLC is required.
Marathon.png Marathon Vitality 0 Bathhouse Proprietor of Rattay
Marathon.png Marathon II Vitality >5 Bathhouse Proprietor of Sasau
Marathon.png Marathon III Vitality >10 Steal from the fratery of the Sasau Monastery
Marathon.png Marathon IV Vitality >15 Ancient map II
Primer.png Primer Reading 0 Uzhitz Scribe
Primer.png Primer II Reading >5 Uzhitz Scribe
Primer.png Primer III Reading >10 Sasau Scribe
Primer.png Primer IV Reading >15 Treasure map XIX
Sharp as a Knife.png Sharp as a Knife Maintenance 0 Rattay Blacksmith
Sharp as a Knife.png Sharp as a Knife II Maintenance >5 Samopesh Blacksmith
Sharp as a Knife.png Sharp as a Knife III Maintenance >10 Swordsmith Fink
Sharp as a Knife.png Sharp as a Knife IV Maintenance >15 Treasure map VII
Shadow Play.png Shadow Play Stealth 0 Steal from the chest in the refugee camp
Shadow Play.png Shadow Play II Stealth >5 Pick Kunesh's pocket
Shadow Play.png Shadow Play III Stealth >10 Buy from a random Beggar on a road
Shadow Play.png Shadow Play IV Stealth >15 Treasure map XXIV
Silence is Golden and other Myths.png Silence is Golden and Other Myths Speech 0 Innkeeper of West Rattay
Silence is Golden and other Myths.png Silence is Golden and Other Myths II Speech >5 Charlatan
Silence is Golden and other Myths.png Silence is Golden and Other Myths III Speech >10 Scribe of Rattay
Silence is Golden and other Myths.png Silence is Golden and Other Myths IV Speech >15 Treasure map XV, a reward from the Stone from Kuno's band for helping him to get the ring of Bacchus from Dangler. Band of Bastards DLC is required.
Tavern Life.png Tavern Life Drinking 0 Samopesh Innkeeper, Innkeeper of East Rattay and others
Tavern Life.png Tavern Life II Drinking >5 Fresco Master
Tavern Life.png Tavern Life III Drinking >10 Father Godwin's kitchen
Tavern Life.png Tavern Life IV Drinking >15 Treasure map X
The Alchemist's Dream.png The Alchemist's Dream Alchemy 0 Rattay Apothecary
The Alchemist's Dream.png The Alchemist's Dream II Alchemy >5 Brother Nicodemus
The Alchemist's Dream.png The Alchemist's Dream III Alchemy >10 Steal from the cellars of the Inn in the Glade
The Alchemist's Dream.png The Alchemist's Dream IV Alchemy >15 Treasure map II
The Joy of Gutting.png The Joy of Gutting Hunting 0 Nicholas
The Joy of Gutting.png The Joy of Gutting II Hunting >5 Berthold
The Joy of Gutting.png The Joy of Gutting III Hunting >10 Steal from the shed inside the Baths of Talmberg, or at an accident
The Joy of Gutting.png The Joy of Gutting IV Hunting >15 Treasure map XVIII, From Executioner Hermann after Money for Old Rope.
Error creating thumbnail: convert: improper image header `/var/www/wiki/conf/kingdomcomedeliverance/en/images/a/ad/The_Rule_of_St_Nicholas.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3964. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_c1b6638ed57c.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3354. Error code: 1
The Rule of St. Nicholas Pickpocketing 0 Miller Peshek
Error creating thumbnail: convert: improper image header `/var/www/wiki/conf/kingdomcomedeliverance/en/images/a/ad/The_Rule_of_St_Nicholas.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3964. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_36ee56f709cd.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3354. Error code: 1
The Rule of St. Nicholas II Pickpocketing >5 Miller Simon
Error creating thumbnail: convert: improper image header `/var/www/wiki/conf/kingdomcomedeliverance/en/images/a/ad/The_Rule_of_St_Nicholas.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3964. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_bd416aaf4e45.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3354. Error code: 1
The Rule of St. Nicholas III Pickpocketing >10 Ancient map V
Error creating thumbnail: convert: improper image header `/var/www/wiki/conf/kingdomcomedeliverance/en/images/a/ad/The_Rule_of_St_Nicholas.png' @ error/png.c/ReadPNGImage/3964. convert: no images defined `/tmp/transform_0513a0b7a734.png' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3354. Error code: 1
The Rule of St. Nicholas IV Pickpocketing >15 Unobtainable in-game. Can only be obtained by console commands. If you find any other location, please update the wiki.
Who Needs a Key.png Who Needs a Key? Lockpicking 0 Miller Woyzeck
Who Needs a Key.png Who Needs a Key? II Lockpicking >5 Unobtainable in-game. Can only be obtained by console commands. If you find any other location, please update the wiki.
Who Needs a Key.png Who Needs a Key? III Lockpicking >10 Wayfarers

Treasure map I

Who Needs a Key.png Who Needs a Key? IV Lockpicking >15 Treasure map XVII

Lore books

Lore Books
Image Name Associated Quest Weight kg dk.png Prague Groschen
Book - Black.png Anthology of Love Poems - 1 50
Books.png Book of Prayers - 1 50
Book - Black.png Charles IV - 1 50
Books.png Everyday Labours In the Cloister 1 50
Book - Brown.png Evil Morals in Bohemia - 1 50
Books.png Excerpt from the Legend of Christianius - 1 50
Books.png Fable of the Fox and the Jug - 1 50
Book - Red.png Flea and wart remedy - 1 50
Books.png Heretic's testimony - 1 50
Books.png How Good Mead is Brewed - 1 50
Books.png Jotted notes - 1 50
Books.png Legend of Melusine I - 1 50
Books.png The Legend of Melusine II - 1 50
Book - Black.png Maiden's War I - 1 50
Book - Black.png Maidens' War II - 1 50
Books.png Necronomicon I Restless Spirit 1 50
Books.png Necronomicon II - 1 50
Book - Brown.png Old Father Czech - 1 50
Book - Brown.png On Libuse and Premysl - 1 50
Book - Red.png On Prague - 1 50
Book - Brown.png On Simony - 1 50
Book - Brown.png On St. Wenceslas - 1 50
Book - Black.png On the Adamites - 1 50
Book - Black.png On the Margraviate Wars - 1 50
Book - Black.png On the Papal Schism - 1 50
Book - Red.png On Tournaments - 1 50
Books.png Overseer's ledger - 1 50
Books.png Queen's Court Manuscript - 1 50
Book - Red.png Rattay - 1 50
Book - Red.png Rule of St. Benedict II - 1 50
Book - Red.png Saint Wilgefortis - 1 50
Books.png Sermon of Master Jan Hus - 1 2.5
Book - Red.png Sigismund of Luxembourg - 1 50
Books.png Song of the Merry Poor - 1 50
Book - Brown.png St. Adalbert - 1 50
Book - Brown.png St. Procopius and Sasau Monastery - 1 50
Book - Brown.png The Groom and the Apprentice - 1 50
Book - Brown.png The Peculiar Siege of Prague - 1 50
Book - Black.png The Cumans - 1 50
Books.png The Czech Campaign in Lombardy I - 1 50
Books.png The Czech Campaign in Lombardy II - 1 50
Book - Black.png The Kingdom of Bohemia - 1 50
Books.png The Legend of St. Dorothy - 1 50
Books.png The New Council by Smil Flashka - 1 50
Book - Brown.png The Peculiar Siege of Prague - 1 50
Book - Black.png The Prince-Electors - 1 50
Book - Red.png The Rule of St. Benedict I - 1 50
Books.png The Travels of Sir John Mandeville - 1 50
Book - Red.png Wenceslas IV - 1 50
Books.png Wicked Blacksmiths - 1 50

Quest documents

Quest Documents
Icon Icon Associated Quest(s) Location
Books.png Avicenna - Sufficientia Restless Spirit Forbidden books cabinet in Sasau Monastery
Document.png Beer recipe Thick as Thieves - Simon
Books.png Black Chronicle Money for Old Rope& Mysterious Ways On display in the Rathaus of Rattay.
Books.png Breviarium Pestilence On display in the herbarium of the Sasau Infirmary.
Document2.png Capon's love letter Honeyed Words
Document2.png Captive's letter Questions and Answers
Document2.png Engraver's documents All that Glisters
Document2.png Forged leave of absence Rocketeer
Books.png Heretic's testimony Waldensians
Books.png Illustrated book Thick as Thieves - Peshek On the table in Sir Hanush' s room.
Document2.png Karel's commission Rocketeer
Document.png Land deed Thick as Thieves - Peshek
Books.png Latin books
(I, II, III, IV, V & VI)
In the Cloister On display in the library of the Sasau Monastery.
Books.png Latin text Mightier than the Sword On display on a table in the home of the Uzhitz Scribe.
Books.png Letter from Vranik Payback On Erik's desk.
Document2.png Message for Sir Radzig Bad Blood
Document.png Monastery entry writ Poverty, Chastity and Obedience
Document2.png Mysterious poem The Ring of Bacchus
Books.png Necronomicon I Restless Spirit
Document.png Nicholas' testimony Sheep in Wolf's Clothing and Hare Hunt
Books.png Novice acceptance records The Abbot's List and A Needle in a Haystack On display in the dining room of Abbot Peter in the Sasau Monastery.
Document.png Page torn from book Scattered Pages
Document.png Papers of a member of the Inquisitor's retinue The Madonna of Sasau
Books.png Seal
Books.png Sealed love letter Honeyed Words
Document.png Sir Divish's announcement Lost in the Woods
Books.png The Golden Egg Mightier than the Sword On display on a table in the home of the Uzhitz Scribe.
Books.png Ulrich's documents All that Glisters
Document.png Will Last Will and Testament
